  • 學位論文


Modification of the ERW Index of Cross-Country Analysis:Application of Vector Autoregressive Extension of the STR

指導教授 : 陳珮芬


本研究採用Banaian and Lo(2006)的指數平滑轉換自我迴歸模型,重新估計傳統衡量通貨危機的投機性攻擊壓力指數[Eichengreen et al. (1995,1996)]。研究1990年1月到2008年12月間,亞太地區國家─澳洲、印尼、日本、南韓、馬來西亞、紐西蘭、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國及非亞太地區國家─加拿大、墨西哥、土耳其之利率、匯率及外匯存底月資料彼此間的趨勢變化。 結果顯示:1.造成一國投機性攻擊的主因除墨西哥外,其他國家則是利率或外匯存底變化,這與Banaian and Lo(2006)認為匯率是主要造成國家發生通貨危機潛在因子不同;2.各國貨幣在外匯市場的調整速度特性不同,速度越快者即使未發生通貨危機,外匯市場本身調整迅速;速度較慢者,在通貨危機發生後市場交易明顯變快,顯示通貨危機發生時,交易者可能因恐懼心理一致性地拋售本國貨幣所致。此外,雖然重新估計後的投機性攻擊壓力指數與原先的指數解釋一國發生通貨危機潛在壓力不一致,但前者與通貨危機發生機率有很大的關聯,對一國政策制定者來說,從過去總體經濟指標研判國家潛在金融危機,EVSTAR可作為不錯地參考指標。


In this study, we use EVSTAR[Banaian and Lo (2006)] to re-estimate speculative attack pressure index [Eichengreen et al. (1995,1996)]. Using monthly data from January 1990 to December 2008 for Asia-Pacific countries ─ Australia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and non-Asia-Pacific countries ─Canada, Mexico, Turkey, interest rate, exchange rate and foreign exchange reserves data on the trends in between. We find that: 1. the main reason of causing speculative attack of countries, except Mexico, is changed in interest rates or in foreign exchange reserves, which Banaian and Lo (2006) said that the exchange rate is main potential factor of the cause of currency crisis are different; 2. adjustment speed of national currencies in the foreign exchange market are different. If adjustment speed is faster, the foreign exchange market adjust quickly, even though currency crisis doesn’t occurs. If adjustment speed is lower, market trading became much faster than usual when occur currency crisis, this maybe dealer who sell large national currency due to fear national currency appreciate. In addition, although re-estimate speculative attack pressure index is lowly correlated with speculative attack pressure index, the former have great relevance with the probability of currency crisis. This is very important for policy makers recognize the potential financial crises from historical macroeconomic data by EVSTAR


1.吳懿娟 (2003),「我國金融危機預警系統之研究」,中央銀行季刊,第二十五卷第三期。
3.曹添旺、張文雅 (1999),「金融危機的研究及其對台灣的啟示—兼論未來的研究方向」, 台灣經濟預測與政策,第三十卷第一期,91-102。
