  • 學位論文


A Study on Social Work Graduates Working at Social Movement Organizations

指導教授 : 汪淑媛


論文摘要 本研究緣起於研究者的社會運動經驗,在嘗試參與社運的過程,深感投入社運、倡議改革的社工並不普遍,同時台灣社會工作專業在學術、實務存在甚少論述及參與社會運動的現象。社會運動在台灣長久以來被汙名化、被社會工作專業實務、教育、學術排除的背景下,引發研究者對社工系畢業、投身社運組織的實務工作者的經歷感到好奇。本研究的目的是了解社工系畢業的實務工作者投入社運組織的歷程,同時從受訪者的經驗中,探討他們如何結合社會工作與社會運動、可以為社會工作帶來那些工作的契機,又如何回應培養他們的社會工作教育。 本研究以深度訪談法進行資料蒐集。訪談對象為大學就讀社會工作學系(組)、並實際參與或籌備操作社會運動、曾任職或現任職於社運組織的受訪者五位。 研究發現受訪者接觸社會運動的起源與他們大學主修社會工作的背景並無直接關連,而是特質與興趣,還有當時社會運動蓬勃發展的環境,存在對公民參政、鼓勵多元發聲的風氣有關。雖然在大學時代未曾受過社會運動相關知識與技術,然而這並未令受訪者在實務中結合社會工作與社會運動感到矛盾、困惑或挑戰。他們在帶有社運風格的社會工作中泰然處之的原因,乃是與「社工專業」意識形態切割。他們並非反對社會工作,而是他們心中存在助人工作與操作的多樣性,而不被主流社會工作界定義、追求的「專業」面貌侷限。 受訪者將社會運動視為一種價值,而價值透過社會運動的特質延伸在日常工作中運作。在他們的言談與意識中,社會運動與社會工作兩者之間的界線是模糊的,已經將社會運動融入他們的助人工作,使他們表面似乎脫離了主流建構在制度下助人的社會工作形貌,但又無法完全切割他們的組織工作與社會工作的關聯。 受訪者的經驗告訴我們,結合社會運動的社會工作可以是助人工作的另一種風格或途徑,這樣的組合提供社會工作實務工作者另一種嘗試改變、長期且紮實的選擇,同時提醒在助人工作上自身與政府、主流社會與培力群眾對話和行動的位置。 關鍵詞:社會工作、社會運動、社會工作教育、社工教育、社會運動組織、社運組織、社會工作專業、社工專業


Abstracts: This research originated with the researcher’s own experiences in social movement. In Taiwan, much less social workers engaged in social movement which for decades had been notoriously regarded as an anti-government and radical actions resulting in the topic of social movement rarely included in educational curriculum, academic researches, or social work practices induced the researcher’s interest to study on the social movement experiences of social work graduates. The purpose of this research was to survey the experiences of social work graduates serving in social movement organizations (referred as SMO) for exploring the influences and impacts of social movement toward the practices of social work, and the feedback to social work professional education according to their experiences. This research adopted the in-depth interview as a research method to interview five social work graduates who have worked in SMOs and have organized social movements as well. According to the analysis result from the interviews, the reasons leading social work graduates to engage social movement are not associated with their major in school but mainly related to their personal characters and interests as well as the social climate in 1980s-1990s regarding political participation of the public and motivation of the public opinions. Although they were educated much less principle and techniques in regard to social movement while they were in school, they are capable of finding ways to integrate social movement into the practices of social work without feeling conflicted, perplexed, and challenged. What made them contained to engaging in the social work involved social movement is that they can clearly distinguish “social work profession” from ideology without doubt. That is, they are not opposed to social work but they do not want to confine their work to the current recognized definition of “social work profession”. They believe that a variety of combinations of working patterns will turn out to be the better approaches to help people. Social movement is taken as a value by graduates, and the value emerging by means of practicing its characters during working, such as empowering and organizing. The boundary between social movement and social work is vague, and graduates have integrated both well whether they identify themselves as social workers or not. This make them seemed drift away from the “professional” social worker image that Taiwan social work mainstream has tried to confirm and identify. However their experiences provide another vision that social work integrating social movement actually is an empowering route. It reminds social workers that there is a long term, rooted, challenging pattern to work with service users, and the position that workers communicate and act with government, mainstream and participates as well. Key words: social work; social movement; social work education; social movement organization; SMO; social work profession; social work graduates


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