  • 學位論文


An Ethnographic Study on the Socio-cultural function of Post Culture

指導教授 : 潘英海


郵票發行自今已有兩百年的歷史,但對大多數的民眾只當作是個郵資。然,各國將自身國家引以為傲的藝術、文學、科學、歷史或風景等印刷於郵票上,展現出其國家獨特之文化,因此郵票擔有著「國家名片」之美。故,本論文主要的目的就是以人類學文化化體系的觀念,探討「郵文化」的整體系統的運作及其在社會方面的意涵,包括:觀察彰化郵局之相關業務中的集郵營、集郵教室與臨時郵局來探討因郵票所引發的集郵文化,並切合地方郵學會組織(彰化縣郵學會與八卦山郵學會)所發起的各項活動來做整體討論與說明。 本論文在研究方法上,企圖透過相關文獻的閱讀,以及人類學田野工作的訪談與參與觀察,來了解郵局與郵學會的各項活動之相同與相異之處,並瞭解如何將知識傳播、如何促進眾人的學習。要之,本論文冀望透前述資料的蒐集瞭解郵局與郵學會兩者的互動更與教育、文化傳承有所關聯,並進而說明集郵文化所帶動的社會教育與文化傳承之功能。要之,我們從中可以發現教育的功效不一定只限於學校,落實於社會的文化性活動反而能更與文化的傳統結合。我們也發現,「郵文化」也不單只是文化傳承,還可達到文化傳播與文化創新之功效,進而豐富人們的心靈給予不同的樂趣,這就是郵文化所隱含的強大效能。 最後,本論文除了緒論與結論外,共分為五個章節。在第二章中談彰化郵局有助於了解其地區郵政的運作與政策的施行,並搭配第三章與第四章的八卦山郵學會與彰化縣郵學會活動做一對比、探討。第五章則是針對郵展以及世界上對集郵文化的發揚作揖討論,了解更多集郵風貌。最後一章總結前文所探討的幾個章節,藉由多種不同的面向來探究郵文化所帶來的效應。


郵文化 郵局 郵學會


An Exploration of the Social Functon and Cultural Meaning of the Post Culture : An Ethnographic Study The postal stamp has its own history for over two hundred. Yet, most people only kow it as postage. In fact, every country has tried to “put” its own history, culture, art, science, and etc. on the stamp, and the stamp becomes the national name card. Therefore, this thesis tries to use the anthropological concept of “cultural system” to study the social functon and the cultural meaning of the “post culture.” In addition to read those related documents and research articles, this thesis uses anthropological fieldwork as main research method to collect the necessary data by interview and participant observation. To put it short, the research sites include the main Post Office of Changhus County in the Central Taiwan and two local postal associations. The research found that the realationship between the post office and the tow local postal associations is very close. An investigation into the relatioship and their activities, we found that the “post culure” has its own way of doing education. Regarding the “post culture” as a cultural system, to use Gertz’s term, the postal system (including the post office and the postal association) has it own powerful functions of social eductiona and cultural transmission. Also, the “post culture” has its own way of creating new culture in addition to transmitting the traditional cultural values. In sum, hte thesis includes seven chapters. In addition to the introduction and the conclusion. The second chapter discribe and discuss how the main Post Office of Changhua County functions. The third and fourth chapters are an ethnographic description and comaprison of two local postal associations. The fifth chapter aims to understand the “post culture” in an global context. Finally, the thesis summaries the social function and the cultural meaning that has been described in the previous chapters.


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