  • 學位論文


The Study of Female Juvenile Engaging and Exiting Prostitute Process— Love and Survival in the Nest

指導教授 : 施教裕


本研究旨在從生態觀點探討少女從事與離退性交易的歷程,以及從事性交易與被安置經驗對少女生命發展的影響。期望能夠從人與環境雙向互動的歷程觀點,理解少女為何從事性交易,又在離開安置系統後如何離退與再從事性交易。研究目的有二。其一是期望從性交易少女的主體觀點,呈現其進入與離開性交易的歷程中,個人與環境因素的變化與動力,並分析其對個人生命發展方向產生的影響;其二是期望透過少女性交易經驗之理解,反思現行安置輔導處遇與政策執行上的可能問題。 本研究以解釋性互動論的研究方法,針對七名曾在未成年時從事性交易,且曾接受安置系統處遇的少女進行長度訪談。研究結果發現,少女的生命發展中歷經了至少四次的生態轉銜,初次從事性交易都是為了離開衝突的與資源匱乏的親巢,尋求愛與生存需求的滿足;從事性交易是當時處境中為求生存的理性選擇。此外,其在離開安置系統之後是否再度從事性交易,抑或是能夠持續離退性交易,會受到角色勝任能力、性交易職業認同程度、社會網絡的型態與管控能力之影響,而因性交易與安置帶來的污名身份,也挑戰個人重新融入主流社會及擴展多元的社會網絡。至於安置經驗雖然能夠提升學業與職業能力,但在家庭功能與家庭關係的改善,以及學校與職業適應等方面的影響仍很有限。最後,少女從事性交易對個人的影響主要呈現在二個方面,其一是因為消費與生活型態改變對少女自主性與認同感的提升,其二是污名身份對擴展多元人際網絡與親密關係的影響。針對上述研究發現,本研究提出對現有性交易少女社會工作處遇與服務輸送規劃執行的反思。


The research question of this study are to explore the engaging and exiting prostitute process of female juveniles from the ecological perspective, as well as portraying the impact from prostitution and residential experience. There are two main research goals. First, portraying the dynamic process of individual and environment factors from the female juveniles own view. Second, to reflect the problems of juvenile prostitution prevention policy and residential service in Taiwan. The study uses the method of Interpretive Interactionism, to interview seven female juvenile prostitution. They all engaged prostitute and replace at residential institutions when they are adolescents. The main findings as below. First, all of the female juvenile prostitution experienced four ecological transitions at least. Second, after leaving conflict and resource-poor family, they engaging prostitution for the needs of surviving and love in the beginning. Third, the role competence, prostitute commitment, social network structures, network management ability, and stigma are the key elements of leaving or re-engaging prostitution. Fourth, the residential experience can help them promoting academic ability and occupational skills; however, the effect of adapting mainstream education and job are limited. Finally, the impact of prostitution experiences is mainly characterized by two aspects, one is because the change of consumption and lifestyle enhance the autonomy and identity of the girls; the other is the stigma identity of the expansion of diverse social networks and intimate relationships. In response to these findings, this study proposes a reflection on existing prostitute of social work intervention and service delivery systems.


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