  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 李懿芳


過去十年來,越南大學數量急速增加已造成國內高等教育明顯的擴張,如何確保大學品質成為越南高等教育首要之事。有鑑於此,近年來越南政府致力於建立外部和內部品質保證系統,以期確保及持續提升高等教育的辦學品質。 本論文旨在探討越南高等教育品質保證制度的運作情形,包括其發展過程、評鑑機制、歷程、成效、面臨的困境與可行的解決策略。本研究以訪談與文件分析兩種質性研究法為主。首先,訪談的部分是針對越南高等教育內部品質保證系統進行個案研究,訪談的對象是南越一所大學的十位教師和三位行政人員,共十三位受訪者;其次,在文件分析部分則針對與越南高等教育品質保證和評鑑相關的官方文件、書籍和期刊進行蒐集與分析。 研究結果顯示,近年來越南高等教育品質保證系統面臨評鑑機制不足、資源缺乏(包括人員和資金)以及有效資訊系統不足等問題;而在內部評鑑個案研究方面,主要問題來自於機構及系所的自我評鑑,其中學生教學回饋及同儕評鑑在實施上均有不盡完善之處。根據上述研究結果,本研究建議越南高等教育機構應致力於改善內部評鑑系統的活動規劃與執行;越南教育部宜成立獨立的評鑑機構,並建全品質保證及認可的相關規範,以期提升越南高等教育的水準。


During the last decade, the number of universities in Vietnam increased dramatically that significantly expanded the higher education sector. How to keep and maintain their quality have become the highlights in Vietnamese higher education. In recent years, the government has tried to establish a quality assurance system which includes external quality assurance (EQA) and internal quality assurance (IQA) with a key goal to promote the higher education institutions to certain level. The major purpose of this study is to explore the quality assurance system in Vietnamese higher education including its development, mechanism, process, effectiveness, problems, and potential solution. Qualitative research method was employed. A case study for IQA was conducted to see how the system worked at practice. The case was a university located in the south of Vietnam and 13 participants was invited - ten lecturers and three administrators. In addition, the document analysis was utilized and official documents, books and journals related to quality assurance and accreditation of Vietnamese higher education were integrated to support the findings. The results showed that the current system of quality assurance in higher education faces the challenges of deficient design of the mechanism, lack of the resources (including both manpower and funding) for QA, and shortage of sufficient information system of QA. For IQA in the case study, the problems came from self-evaluation activities at both institutional and program levels. The IQA strategies, like student feedback and peer review were inadequate in implementation. Base on the findings, the study provided recommendations to HEIs about completing the IQA system with improved activities. As for MOET, the suggestions were to establish the independent agencies and complete legal regulations for quality assurance and accreditation to enhance the quality of higher education in Vietnam.


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