  • 學位論文


Study on the Role of the People in Judicial Procedural

指導教授 : 李玉君


隨著民主意識高漲,台灣自解嚴之後,不論在行政或立法上都有長足的進展,在民主的體制之下,行政及立法都已賦予人民參與決策之角色地位,但就司法審判制度的層面而言,面對民主問題的上,確實尚有待改進之處。如何賦予人民在司法審判制度上參與的角色並讓人民信賴司法的判決,又能同時顧及司法獨立,筆者認為「人民觀審試行條例草案」是一個值得慎重考慮的方向。 司法院近幾年來也持續不斷推動關於司法民主之改革:如刑事參審、專家參審、國民參審等是皆針對司法審判制度來進行改革,但卻都因為無法解決法理上之爭議而無法實行,可見司法審判制度的改革確實會影響到一個國家的司法民主的程度。 目前世界各國所採行的司法審判制度,主要有職業法官制、參審制、陪審制。然人民參與司法,已是世界潮流,尚屬於職業法官制的我國,近來積極研擬並大力推動「人民觀審制」避開先前改革的法理爭議,計畫經由法定程序選出人民觀審員,參與重罪案件的審判,並於法官作成判決時給予意見。本研究將參考英美的陪審團制度以及德國參審和日本裁判員制度並針對人民觀審草案內容作一評析,做為日後採行人民參審制度時之借鏡。


A survey made by scholar revealed that people loses their faith in the existing justice system. Therefore, the Nation Judicial Reform Conference approved a resolution to allow citizen to participate in the member of judge in order to achieve the philosophy of Nation sovereignty and the democratization of Judiciary system. There are three justice systems adopted by the worlds. One is theprofessional judges system, another is involved in a trial system and still another is the jury system. The system in our country is professional judges. To response the global trends, we try to implement the system of people participated the trial. Choosing the people who can participate the felony trial by legal procedures. They can give some advisement when the judges made the judgment. We shall begin with a constitutional analysis to make sure the proposed bill is in compliance with the Taiwanese Constitution.Then we perform a side-by-side analysis of the proposed bill with existing bills in the United States, Japan, and Germany, to determine if the bill is likely to work in Taiwan.


Robert A. Dahl著,李柏光、林猛譯,「論民主」,聯經,民國89年,頁81。
