  • 學位論文


The Strategies and Challenges of ASEAN’s Food Security

指導教授 : 陳佩修


國以民為本,民以食為天。糧食安全是一個自古以來、放諸四海皆準的嚴肅議題,產生糧食安全的問題,也往往從饑荒、動亂、戰爭而終將造成政府或國家的滅亡。自古以來,為了應付可能的天災戰亂,平日即需要維持一個有效的生產機制及糧秣的儲備。糧食安全的議題,與時俱進,當後冷戰時期兩強體系崩解後,全世界形成了一霸多強的局面,造成的結果不僅不是新秩序的建立,反而是由冷戰時期的兩極體系,轉變成多極的體系,兩強的衝突,也轉變成區域化衝突的發展,危及區域安全的因素,有別於傳統政治、軍事安全理論的非傳統安全議題,已經成為國際社會密切觀察並賦予高度重視的議題。 東南亞的國家之中,大多都有的一個共同記憶,那就是被西方強權殖民的歷史,自西方國家工業革命後,其在世界各個角落進行著資源掠奪之時,東南亞國家猶如被切開的血管,原來的良田沃土,被用來生產不能吃的經濟作物,開採壯大母國經濟的礦產資源。1967年東南亞國家協會創立,與當時冷戰期間東南亞所處之內外政經情勢有極大關連。東協在歷經了近半個世紀的整合與運作,除了促進東協發展成為類似歐盟的組織,具備含法律約束力的法規與標準,隨著非傳統議題的重要性日益增長,以及人口爆炸的壓力,全球稻米糧倉的東南亞,依舊面臨著2008、2011年的二次糧食危機,本研究將試圖理解東協的集體外交模式如何面對糧食安全對內與對外的壓力與挑戰。


"Serving the country, Hunger breeds." Since ancient time, Food security is a serious issue fits all countries, The problems of food security, often from famine, unrest, war and will eventually cause the demise of the government or the state. In order to cope with possible natural disasters or war, dating back to anicient time. The need to maintain an effective mechanism of production and forage reserves on average day. Food security issues of the times, when the post-Cold War system of two power nations disintegration,It is not only a new order established,but also formation a situation,One super nation versus many power nations.The Cold War system,east vesus west conflict,Turn into a multi-powernations system conflicts.And the outcome become a regional conflicts.Unlike traditional political, military issues,non-traditional security theory has become closely observed by the international community and given high priority. Among Southeast Asian countries, most of them have a identical memory, that is, the history of colonization by Western powers, since the industrial revolution in Western countries, which carry out the resource plunder in every corner of the world, Southeast Asian countries was the bleeding vessels, the original farmland, can not be used to produce food crops, mineral resources exploitation and expansion of the empire's economy. 1967 Association of Southeast Asian countries (ASEAN) hit up, and then in Southeast Asia during the Cold War in which the internal and external political and economic situation has greatly connected. ASEAN integration and operation after nearly half a century, apart from the promotion of ASEAN to develop into tissue similar to the European Union, with the regulations and standards including legally binding, with the growing importance of non-traditional issues, as well as population explosion pressure, Southeast Asia,the world rice granary, is still facing the food crisis in 2008, 2011, this study will attempt to understand the collective ASEAN diplomatic model how to deal with food security, internal and external pressures and challenges.


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