  • 學位論文


A Study on Promoting Subject Specialist Services through Service Innovations in Academic Libraries

指導教授 : 蔡怡君


本研究以提供學科服務逾10年之大學圖書館為主要研究對象,旨在以服務創新觀點探討大學圖書館推廣學科服務模式。 本研究以個案研究進行,深度談訪大學圖書館中實際執行學科服務之組長與館員,並輔以相關文件蒐集資料。訪談對象經由大學圖書館推薦,服務年資從3年至27年不等。根據研究發現,歸納出結論如下: 一、 大學圖書館之所以推出學科服務,關鍵在於重視使用者需求,以及在高等教育環境改變挑戰下,意識到生存危機,懷抱高度自我期許與要求,想盡辦法以服務創新改變原有服務,以落實協助教學與研究任務。 二、 學科服務係以將學科資源傳遞至系所師生的過程。相較推廣活動,均為將圖書館資源傳遞予師生之過程;相異處在於是否整理學科資源,並區隔傳遞資源之對象。而在整體推廣的過程中,資源與人力限制、傳統教學行為主要挑戰,解決方法為採用替代人力之科技工具,並持續與系所深入聯結。 三、 因於校園中之角色與人數比例不同,學科館員與教師進行聯結之方式,以個別協助其教學與研究業務之資訊需求為主。與學生進行聯結之方式,以團體利用課程為主。其中以師生反應與圖書館積極程度有所落差為主要挑戰,解決方法在於先行調整服務供給,再發展其他聯結管道。   四、 受組織規模影響,目前僅一所大學圖書館針對學科服務進行組織調整及人員訓練方式。其挑戰在於學科館員教學技巧不足,以及多不具備學科知識,於進行利用指導過程常遇困難。解決方法為學科館員積極自我進修,以及尋求團隊協助。 五、 目前僅一所大學圖書館採用科技選項,其原因為受限於學科館員人力所致,過去發展不足,現今欲利用科技成為資源分類及服務延伸工具。其挑戰在於套裝系統之操作限制,解決方法在盡力學習與發展該系統優勢。 六、 大學圖書館建立學科服務及推廣特色之關鍵,在於依據校園教學與研究行為,靈活運用圖書館本身與外部資源,堅持於協助教學與研究之目標,擬定適合使用者需求之學科服務內容及推廣方式。 最後,本研究根據上述研究結果,針對大學圖書館、學科館員及未來相關研究等方面提出建議。


With the research subject as the university libraries that have provided " subject specialist services" for more than 10 years, this research aims at exploring promotion model of subject specialist services through the service innovation perspectives. Following the direction of case study of the university libraries, this research adopted depth interview with the subject librarians and the Unit Leader, and conducted document analysis on related data. The interview subjects were primarily recommended by the university library with 3 to 27 years of service experience. According to the research findings, we generalized the conclusions as follows: 1. The purpose for the university libraries to promote subject specialist services lies in their value of the user's need. Besides, the challenge that the higher education environment has changed has triggered their sense of survival crisis. As a result, those libraries tried their best to transform the existing services with service innovation in order to help carry out the teaching and research tasks. 2. Subject specialist services refer to the process of delivering the subject resources to the teachers and students to the departments and institutes. Compared to the general promotion activities, both are library resource delivery process. They differ in whether the subject resources are organized and whether the objects of resource delivery are segregated. In the overall delivery process, in addition to linking to the departments and institutes, limitation of resource and human labor, the main challenges of the traditional teaching behaviors, and solutions are all technology tools that replace human labor. 3. Due to the different roles and proportion of people in campus, the way for subject librarians to link with the teachers incline to assist individual teacher's information demand in teaching and research. As for the way to connect to the students, it concentrates on Group Use Education. 4. Presently, influenced by the scale of organization, only one university library has adjusted the organization and the methods for training personnel. The challenges the libraries are facing primarily come from the subject librarians' insufficient teaching and their being unequipped with subject knowledge, so that the Use Guide Process is hindered. The solution to this problem is that the subject librarians should positively learn related knowledge own their own, and seek for the team's assistance. 5. Currently, only one university library adopts technology option. The reasons why it utilizes technology are resulted from limit of insufficient librarians, insufficient development in the past, and intention to use technology as the resource classification and service extension tools. The challenge is the restrictions of operating software suite, which may be solved by trying the best to learn, and develop the system advantages. 6. The key for the university libraries to establish subject specialist services and promotion characteristics is to exert the library's internal and external resources flexibly, insist on the goal to assist teaching and research, and draw up the content and promotion approaches of subject specialist services that meet the user's need in accordance with campus teaching and research behaviors. Based on the conclusions above, the research proposed some suggestions to academic libraries, subject librarian and also to the following researches in the future.


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