  • 學位論文


The Demands of Professional Empowerment for New Immigrant Language Teachers – A Case of Vietnamese Teaching

指導教授 : 嚴智宏


近年來政府推動新住民語文課程面臨了師資、教材、教法和評量的問題,社會對於新住民語文課程的共識必須建立。為深入探討新住民語文課程推動的情況,以及新住民語文教學人才培育的現況、遭遇的阻礙,和了解現場教學人員所面臨的問題,以及需要哪些協助,本研究主要針對新住民語文教學人員進行訪談,了解新住民語文教學人員的困境,期望提供相關單位制定增能、輔導措施之參考。 本研究以東南亞新住民語文教師為主要研究對象,藉由質性研究的方法,以半結構訪談方式進行資料的蒐集,以期能深入了解新住民語文教師教學現場的狀況。經研究發現歸納如下: 其一,教師提出關於培訓課程的回饋、看法與建議,包括延長培訓時間,加深課程內容,增加試教及演練機會。尤其在深入課程內容方面,受訪者的意見如下:(1)培訓課程很實用,但期望其程度能夠難易適中。(2)應增加輔導技巧課程。(3)應多介紹臺灣、越南的文化。(4)應增加電腦操作及教案製作的時數。(5)多介紹臺灣重要的教育政策。(6)應協助教師發展其班級經營技巧。 其二,教師的教法及評量方式可增多。 其三,受訪者遭遇的主要困境,包括混齡編班使得教學難度增加、未建立解決教學問題的協助媒介、教師需要研習及增能課程進修、教師的薪資偏低。 最後,根據研究發現提出具體建議如下,提供新住民語文相關政策、增能和輔導課程之參考:一、培訓課程可延長培訓時間,並增加現場試教經驗。二、提高領培訓證書門檻,可分兩階段課程培訓,加入實習。三、培訓課教學演示後,評審要給予意見。四、語文教材可以放入越南各區方言。五、初階課程應含如何輔導問題學生及融入例子說明。六、多介紹臺灣教育政策與文化。七、期望學校讓教師教學自主,勿干涉太多。八、受訓者中文能力需進修,才能提升教學品質。九、深入說明電腦操作與製作教案,規劃多媒體應用課程。十、討論在學習語言的過程中,有可能發生的班級經營狀況。十一、增加教學觀摩:示範各種教學方法。十二、培訓課程應納入學生評量方法。十三、規劃教師研習及進修。 增能之後,有助於新住民語文教學人才之培育。


新住民語文 語文教師 增能 東南亞 越南


In recent years, the government has promoted the curriculum of the new immigrant language, and has faced some problems about teachers, textbooks, teaching methods and assessments. The consensus of the society on the curriculum of the new immigrant language has to be established. This study interviews the teaching staffs of the new immigrant language, in order to explore the situation related to the promotion of the curriculum of the new immigrant language, as well as to the current situation of the cultivation of the language teachers, the obstacles encountered, the problems faced by the teaching staffs, and the assistance required. Hopefully the government will understand the plights of the new immigrant language teaching staffs, and will formulate the measures for empowerment and counselling. This study takes Southeast Asian new immigrant language teachers as the main research object; using qualitative research method, this study employs semi-structured interviews to collect data. It is hoped that the situation of the new immigrant language teachers' teaching scene can be better understood. The results are summarized as follows: Firstly, new immigrant language teachers provide feedbacks, opinions and suggestions on training courses, such as: to extend training time span, to deepen the contents of the course, and to increase opportunities for trial teaching and exercises. Especially to the depth of the course contents, the opinions of the interviewees are as follows: 1. The training course is very helpful, but it is hoped that the level would be moderate. 2. To add the lesson of counselling skills. 3. To introduce some more cultures of Taiwan and Vietnam. 4. To increase the hours of operating computer and producing teaching plan. 5. To introduce important education policies of Taiwan. 6. To assist teachers to develop their classroom management skills. Secondly, so far the ways of language teacher's teaching and the methods of assessment are limited; they can be increased. Thirdly, the difficulties that the interviewees encounter are as follows: how to teach in mixed age classes, how to solve teaching problems, how to attend some more training courses, and how to deal with the problem of low salary. Finally, some suggestions are presented for reference based on the results of this study: 1. To extend the time span of training courses, and to increase the part of trial teaching. 2. To heighten the threshold of obtaining certificates; and to divide the training courses into two stages, with a period of internship in each stage. 3. To give advice to the trainees right after their teaching demonstration. 4. To put difficult dialects of Vietnamese into textbooks. 5. To include the lessons of counselling problematic students and to give some examples in the elementary course. 6. To introduce Taiwan's education policies and cultures. 7. To allow the language teachers to teach in their own way, without interfering too much. 8. To advance the trainee's Chinese ability in order to improve the quality of teaching. 9. To provide the lessons of operating computer, of producing teaching plan, and of multimedia application. 10. To discuss the situations of the classroom management that might happen in the language class. 11. To increase the chances of teaching observation: to demonstrate different ways of teaching. 12. To include the lessons of students assessment in the training courses. 13. To make plans for teachers' further study and training. With the empowerment, it would be helpful for the cultivation of new immigrant language teaching staffs.


王世智(2014)。新住民二代跨國就業之研究,臺南市:長榮大學社會工作學系 (所) 碩士論文。
