  • 學位論文


The Study of School-based Curriculum Development of 12-year Basic Education – Based on the Example of Curriculum Design and International Exchange in Sioulin Elementary School, Nantou County

指導教授 : 黃照耘


十二年國教新課綱訂於108學年度開始實施,其中素養導向與校訂課程(彈性學習課程)為兩大重點,對於偏鄉小校而言,如何開發有特色、多元化且國際化的校訂課程,即成為教師的壓力與難題。 本研究以南投縣秀林國小為研究對象,其校訂美感教育課程奠基於實施多年的竹排笛教學課程,以此課程為基礎融入家鄉竹文化,結合自然、體育、藝術科目跨領域教學,曾榮獲108學年度教育部跨領域美感教育亮點學校殊榮,而學區內的田家樂社區曾辦理4年的國際交流活動,豐富經驗值得學習。故歸納秀林國小校訂美感教育課程之設計與實踐經驗,應可作為偏鄉小校的校訂課程建構之參考。本研究以半結構性訪談與文件分析法進行資料整理、回饋與反思,研究結果為: 學校本位課程建構模式: 一、確立學校願景與藍圖;二、檢視與盤點學校師資與特色;三、確立美感教育發展方向;四、檢視可融入美感教育之領域課程;五、制定美感教育課程目標;六、制定課程主題與執行策略;七、落實執行課程教學;八、課程教學輔導與調整。 校訂美感教育課程融入國際交流活動課程設計規劃: 一、國際禮儀;二、家鄉文化的介紹;三、竹樂器的簡介;四、交流國家文化的認識。 根據前述研究結果,本研究從實務執行與後續研究的角度,提出以下建議: 一、由全體教員確立學校願景;二、校訂課程需與部定課程充份結合;三、爭取校外專家學者協助;四、適時修正與調整;五、肯定自我文化、迎向世界舞臺;六、運用比較教育研究方法探析各國學校本位課程建構思維。


The new curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education is scheduled to be implemented in the 2019 school year, with literacy-oriented and school-decided curriculum as the two main focuses. The school-decided curriculum however has become a pressure and stress for teachers from small rural schools, on how to develop distinctive diversified and internationalized This study was taken from the aesthetic education curriculum is based on the bamboo panflute teaching curriculum of Sioulin Elementary School in Nantou County, that has been implemented for many years. This curriculum is used as a basis to integrate into the bamboo culture of the hometown, combining the teaching of nature, sports, and art. And it won the 2019 School Year's Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education Highlight School Award from the Ministry of Education. The Tianjiale Community in the school district has organised 4 years of international exchange activities. The rich experience is worth learning. Therefore, summarizing the design and practical experience of the Sioulin Elementary School's school-decided aesthetic education curriculum should be used as a reference for the construction of the school's school-decided curriculum. This research uses unstructrued interviews and document analysis methods to organize data, feedback and reflection.The results of the research are: School-based curriculum construction model: 1. Establish school vision and blueprint; 2. Review and analylise the school teachers’ CV and characteristics; 3. Establish the direction of aesthetic education; 4. Review the fields that can be integrated into aesthetic education; 5. Formulate the goals for aesthetic education curriculum; 6, Identify the curriculum theme and implementation strategies; 7, Implement curriculum teaching; 8, Curriculum teaching guidance. Editing the school-decided aesthetic education curriculum into the curriculum design and planning of international exchange activities: 1. International etiquette; 2. Introduction to hometown culture; 3. Introduction musical instruments made from bamboo; 4. Understanding the exchange national culture. Based on the foregoing research results, this research proposes the following recommendations from the perspective of practical implementation and follow-up research: 1. All faculty members involved in establishing the school vision; 2. The school-decided curriculum must be fully integrated with the Ministry's curriculum; 3. Enlist the assistance of experts and scholars outside the school; 4. Timely revision and adjustment; 5. Affirming the value of local culture and presenting it to the world stage; 6. Using comparative education research methods to analyze school-based curriculum construction thinking in various countries.


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