  • 學位論文


Study of Business and Management Strategies in the Life Insurance Industry: The Case of Branch A

指導教授 : 張眾卓




保險 管理策略 經營模式


This study employs an operation office of an insurance company, hereafter “Case A,” as the case study to explore the operation and management strategies of the life insurance industry. Analysis of Case A reveals that the director of Case A acts as the role model of the office, recruits personnel, optimizes personnel training procedures, identifies high-value clients, and proposes systematic training models to implement operation and management strategies and to develop the office culture. In terms of sales management strategies, the operation office adheres to the principle of “helping others, helping oneself”. For example, employees of the office identify the needs of each client and plan custom insurance packages accordingly. In 2007, the operation office successfully established its correspondence office. In sum, Case A has become the paradigm office of the insurance company owing to the supervisor serving as a role model, constantly improving the performance of the office in terms of market, products, client relationship, operation, and talent cultivation strategies, and hiring an accountant to hold tax-related seminars and training to enhance employee professionalism.


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