  • 學位論文


Exploring the Caring Experience of the Primary Family Caregivers for the Disabled Elderly in Taichung City

指導教授 : 蔡惠雅


本研究以「失能老人主要家庭照顧者之照顧經驗」來進行探討,欲瞭解失能老人家庭主要家庭照顧者在長期照顧過程中:一、須面對哪些照顧負荷及困境;二、社會支持的介入與協助;三、照顧者自我轉化的歷程,等三者樣貌之呈現及相互關聯性,並依研究結果提出有關長期照顧實務工作及相關政策之建議。 本研究採取質性研究方法,以半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,研究對象為在家中照顧失能老人至少滿一年以上之主要家庭照顧者,共計有8位接受訪談。主要研究發現如下: 一、照顧負荷:發現在照顧過程中呈現許多不盡相同的照顧負荷,加以歸納分類後計有財務經濟、生理健康、心理精神、家庭關係及社會、照顧職能等五種面向之負荷。 二、社會支持:一般可分為非正式支持與正式支持兩大類型,非正式支持以主要家庭照顧者生活上較為緊密的個人為主,如家人、朋友、受照顧者的回饋、宗教信仰及鄰居等皆屬之;正式支持則以醫護與居家照顧專業人員、非營利組織機構及政府機關等相關正式組織及人員為主;另再依其支持給予的內容分類,包含情緒性支持、工具性支持及訊息性支持等三種。 三、自我轉化:依受訪者遭遇之處境及心理狀態,呈現出照顧者人格特質會影響照顧負荷、照顧者自我轉化之情況態樣、以及自我轉化三階段的歷程。 本研究結論為:照顧負荷極易造成照顧者疾患產生或使病程延長或加重;照顧者的照顧負荷會隨著照顧歷程而改變;社會支持帶給失能老人家庭主要照顧者正面的影響;自我轉化的歷程因照顧負荷及社會支持程度而有不同。 關鍵字:照顧經驗、社會支持、自我轉化


This study explores the experiences of the primary family caregivers for the disabled elderly in the long-term in order to understand the burdens and dilemmas the caregivers face. It also explores the assistance of social support and the process of self-transformation for the caregivers, and the presentation and the correlation among the three mentioned above. The study also proposes recommendations for long-term care practical work and related policies. The study adopted a qualitative research method and used semi-structured in-depth interviews to collect data from eight primary family caregivers who had been caring for the disabled elderly at home for at least one year. The main findings are as follows: 1.Caregiving burden, many different aspects of caregiving burden are found in the process of long-term care, including financial, physical health, psychological and spiritual, family relationship and socializing, and caregiving skills. 2.Social support, according to the form of the support, there are two types: informal support and formal support. Informal support is provided by individuals who are close to the primary family caregiver, such as family members, friends, feedback from the care recipient, religious beliefs, and neighbors, etc. Formal support is provided by health care professionals, the members in non-profit organizations and government agencies etc. In addition, according to the content of the support, there are three types of support, including emotional support, instrumental support, and informational support. 3.Self-transformation, depending on the situation faced by the respondents, the personality traits of the caregivers affected the caregiving burden, the situation of self-transformation, and the three-stage process of self-transformation. The study concludes that caregiving burden is likely to cause caregivers’ illnesses, and it prolongs or aggravate it. And the caregiving burden changes with the caregiving process. Social support brings positive effects to primary caregivers. Self-transformation varies with caregiving burden and social support. Key words: caregiving experience, social support, self-transformation


