  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of Language Learning Strategies by Taiwanese Learners of Spanish

指導教授 : 中澤一亮




In order to learn a language, students must assume an active role in the process of assimilating, learning and finding the best ways to accomplish these tasks. Learning strategies are tools that can assist students in developing language competence and promote a more autonomous, efficient and effective language approach. Language learning strategies have been extensively examined in the field of second language acquisition. In Taiwan, the educational system requires students to learn English; consequently, issues concerning the teaching and learning of English have been widely studied. However, English is not the only foreign language available; there is an increasing interest to learn Spanish in Taiwan but little is known about issues like the strategies used by Taiwanese learners of Spanish. The purpose of this study is to identify the strategies Taiwanese students employ in learning Spanish in Taiwan. This research also examines the influence of learner’s gender, proficiency level, background and previous language learning experiences in the choosing and using of various language learning strategies. The results of this study could potentially help Taiwan teachers gain insight regarding Taiwanese learners of Spanish and help them improve their instruction. In addition, the results of the present study could serve to enable students to observe their own learning processes and improve their performance in learning a foreign language.


Learning strategies Spanish Taiwan


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