  • 學位論文


Western Tourist’s Habitus Encounter Taiwanese Foodways

指導教授 : 李玉瑛


儘管近年來已可從許多文獻看到關於食物和旅遊產業之研究,卻少有以社會學角度探討該二領域互相消長之探討。尤其當今視食物為主要旅遊動機之現象趨盛,更強調了展開相關研究調查之需求。 本文以來自西方國家之遊客為對象,嘗試了解他們在臺灣旅遊期間影響其選擇食物的因素,特別是關於遊客的日常生活飲食與除外旅遊期間餐飲選擇之間的差異。爾後,文章將以Bourdieu文化再製理論中慣習(habitus)的概念將日常消費行為和旅遊經驗連結討論。本研究以深度訪談方法,訪問了17為在台灣旅行的遊客,並以主題分析法整理訪談的文字資料。 出外旅遊期間的餐飲之所以不同的於日常生活食品選擇,是因為前者動機源自於旅遊當地飲食文化的道地性並且了解不同文化,這種動機相較之下就不是在日常生活中所會追求的了。當然,旅遊本身也存在著能延伸到影響食物選擇的元素。然而,本論文認為這些食物的選擇和表現總是植根於遊客日常生活慣習的脈絡下。 關鍵字:慣習,觀光旅遊,台灣的飲食文化,西方遊客


Despite a vast amount of academic research being undertaken regarding both, food and tourism, little attention has been given to the interaction between the two. The growth of food as a major motivation for people to travel has highlighted the need for greater investigation in the area. This thesis is an attempt to understand the factors that influence the food choices of a group of tourists originating from Western countries who are travelling in Taiwan. Particular emphasis is given to the disparities between everyday food consumption choices and those made when travelling. Bourdieu’s concept of habitus was used as means of bridging everyday consumption and the tourist experience Data was collected through the use of in-depth interviews, on purposive sample of seventeen tourists currently travelling in Taiwan. Thematic analysis techniques were used to organize key themes in the data. Tourist food choice differentiates from those in everyday life as it is motivated by factors such as searches for authenticity and gaining understanding of another culture which are not significant in everyday life. Tourism also has a performative element that extends to food choice. However these food choices and performances are always rooted in the context of tourist’s everyday habitus. Key Words: Habitus, Tourism, Taiwanese Foodways, Western Tourists


Habitus Tourism Taiwanese Foodways Western Tourists


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