  • 學位論文


Preparation of Stain-resistant UV Coatings

指導教授 : 洪信國


中文摘要 本實驗研究的主題是使用Polyurethane Acrylate,當作塗膜的主素材;保護塗層施作方式選擇使用噴塗的方式,添加含氟與含矽氧烷的添加劑,並添加光起始劑經UV 光照後使其成膜以比較各種塗膜性質,藉由添加劑的選擇使塗膜表面能降低達到耐汙與易清潔的效果。實驗證實在尚未添加任何添加劑測量與水的靜態接觸角為98°(標準差1.0)、表面能40.1 mN/m,添加含氟素丙烯酸化合物(氟化物有效成份40 %)添加量1%便可以將接觸角由98.5°(標準差1.0)提升到115°(標準差0.6),由實驗得知添加量1% 便可達到易清潔的效果。 添加劑量為重量比1% SPL93在靜態接觸角提升上也有效果接觸角由98.5°(標準差1.0)、提升到120.7°(標準差1.7),亦可達到易清潔的效果。含氟素的表面疏油特性較含矽的表面優,乾燥後雖然都可以刮除但含氟素添加劑表面較容易去除乾燥後的噴漆。含氟素的表面改質劑有明顯的抗髒污易清潔特性,表現比含矽氧烷的改質添加劑明顯,各塗膜之附著力均符合規格要求。 關鍵字: 接觸角、抗汙、易潔、表面張力、UV固化、矽氧烷、添加劑


接觸角 抗汙 易潔 表面張力 UV固化 矽氧烷 添加劑


Abstract The preparation and characterization of the photo curable stain resistant polyurethane acrylate coatings consisted of fluoroether-acrylate or siloxane additives are studied by using contact angle analysis, adhesion test, stain resistant test, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis by X-ray, and atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the addition of 1 wt.% fluoroether acrylate can effectively increases the contact angle but decreases the surface energy of the prepared coating and make an easy cleaning coating surface. The similar effect can be obtained by adding the siloxane additive. However, the film containing the fluoroether acrylate is easier to clean than that with the siloxane additive due to the lower roughness and better oil-phobic property of the surface. All prepared coatings have good hardness and adhesion strength on the glass surface. Keywords: contact angle, stain resistant, easy cleaning, surface energy, UV cure, additive, siloxane, fluoroether


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