  • 學位論文

被投資國之身分對 OECD 國家之外人直接投資區位選擇的影響-針對區域經濟整合、新興國家以及經濟成長之研究

How Host Countries' Characteristics Affect Location Choices of OECD's Foreign Direct Investment-Three Essays on Regional Integration Agreements, Emerging Markets Countries, and Economic Growth

指導教授 : 盧靜儀


本研究主要探討影響外人直接投資區位選擇以及 FDI 與經濟成長率之間的關係。過去文獻中,大部分的實證研究多是利用已開發國家 FDI 的資料,探討 OECD 之區域經濟整合與外人直接投資區位選擇的關係,為瞭解區域經濟整合與外人直接頭資區位選擇這兩個變數在亞洲地區的表現,本研究蒐集了亞洲國家之外人直接投資流入量的資料,利用複迴歸模型探討,並延伸出三個可能影響 OECD 國家外人直接投資區位選擇的議題。 第一,在探討加入 ASEAN 與否對吸引 OECD 國家之外人直接投資的影響方面,我們發現 OECD 在亞洲國家進行外人直接投資時,若被投資國擁有 ASEAN 會員國國籍,則有助於該國吸引外人直接投資的流入量,代表亞洲的區域經濟整合有促使 OECD 增加對其從事 FDI 的動機。第二,在探討新興國家與 OECD 之外人直接投資區位選擇的關係上,實證結果顯示,OECD 會較願意到擁有 ASEAN 國籍的新興國家進行投資,意即 OECD 在亞洲新興國家進行投資時,有可能會因為台灣不具 ASEAN 國籍而減少在台灣的投資。再者,當我們擴大樣本,以全球新興國家的角度來分析,其結果亦是如此,代表台灣若不積極與其他國家成立區域經濟整合協定,將可能喪失吸引 OECD 投資之誘因。 最後,我們將主題延伸到探討亞洲國家經濟成長與外人直接投資的關係上,實證顯示亞洲國家接受的外人直接投資流入量與該國實質 GDP 間無顯著的關聯。究其原因,可能是由於亞洲國家所處位置不同、產業結構正在改變以及全球化趨勢等因素,使得影響亞洲經濟成長的變數變得較為特殊、複雜,較難直接利用過去歐美國家所發展出來的經濟成長理論變數來衡量亞洲的情況,因此,若想探討影響亞洲經濟成長的變數,須再透過其它變數來探討。


In this paper, we investigate how host countries’ characteristics, including RIA (regional integration agreements) and EMCs (emerging markets countries), affect location choices of OECD’s FDI. In the meantime, we examine whether FDI is helpful to economic growth in host countries. In most empirical studies in this field, researchers use data from developed countries, like OECD, little focus is on Asian countries. For this reason, it remains unknown whether the results of those papers could be applied to the FDI-RIA relationship of Asian countries. In order to fill this gap, the first essay of this paper uses data from Asian countries, including ASEAN members and others, to see whether joining ASEAN would affect source countries’ willingness to invest in Asian host countries. Empirical findings indicate that among our sample countries, joining ASEAN helps attract more FDI. This result is consistent with the findings of most studies in this field. The second essay of this paper uses data from OECD and Asian countries, including EMCs and others, to see whether being EMCs would affect source countries’ willingness to invest in host countries. Empirical findings indicate that being EMCs helps attract more FDI. This result responds to the World Bank (2003) report which indicates that FDI flows to EMCs increased rapidly. The third essay of this paper use data from Asian countries to see whether FDI could contribute to economic growth in Asian host counrtries. The empirical findings indicate that there is no significant relationship between host countries’ FDI and real GDP growth.


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