  • 學位論文


A Study of the Key Success Factors and the Development Strategies for TV on Mobile Service

指導教授 : 陳偉如


隨著網路、電信、傳統媒體的三邊整合和科技的發展,在手機上觀看電視已不再是夢想。手機電視零時差、無接縫與行動性的資訊接收,將大大顛覆閱聽人的收視習慣。2005年,由於第三代行動通訊服務正式推行,手持式數位電視廣播行動接收裝置(DVB-H)營運平台在產官界中積極催生,再加上數位電視、數位廣播的蓬勃發展,使得手機電視的發展充滿契機與希望。台灣行動電話與有線電視冠於全球的高度普及率是台灣手機電視服務發展的利基,相較於韓國及歐洲手機電視在2005與2006年快速的發展,台灣受到何種關鍵發展因素的影響與其在經營發展的問題與挑戰為何,值得關注。因此,本研究嘗試從電信系統業者、電視內容業者及手機硬體廠商觀點,描繪台灣手機電視服務發展現況,並尋找出台灣手機電視服務發展關鍵成功因素,最後結合運用產業價值鏈、競合關係與價值創新理論,透析台灣手機電視服務發展策略,並提出建言。 本研究結論發現在產業發展之初,業者之目光與重心仍鎖定在政府政策與消費者需求與價值上,最受關注的關鍵成功因素為「政策法令完整,政府配合推動」與「服務費用高低」兩項因素。在發展策略上,電信系統業者必須立基於產業合作,與價值鏈中各業者異中求同,共生演化,互利共榮,而與競爭業者的服務上則要同中求異,追求服務的差異化,以區隔品牌;電視內容業者則應以合作策略為主,並趁此機會迅速轉型為內容整合者,以水平整合因應未來的數位發展,並藉由各頻道與內容業者的合作與整合,不斷擴充內容豐富度,由此提升競爭力;手機製造商則應該強化核心技術,並輔之行銷推廣和商品設計以提升自身的品牌資產。


Given the convergence of Internet, telecom, and conventional media, as well as the development of new technology, TV on Mobile was no longer unreachable. The characteristics of TV on Mobile, such as simultaneous, seamless and mobile information flow have revolutionized the audience’s media pattern. In 2005, with the launch of the third generation of mobile system (3G), and the business platform of Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H), plus the thriving development of Digital television (DTV) and Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB), TV on Mobile is prove to be promising in the government and industries. It is believed that great circulation of cell phones and cable TV in Taiwan is a niche in developing the TV on Mobile service. Compared with the TV on Mobile boost in Korea and Europe, it is worth noticing that the success factors and coming challenges of Taiwan. Therefore, the researcher would like to achieve the following objectives in this study: describe the TV on Mobile status quo in Taiwan judging from the content providers of TV stations, telecom operators’ and cell phone manufacturers’ point of view, find out the KSF of TV on Mobile, and eventually analyze the strategies of the TV on Mobile service in Taiwan combing value chain, co-operation and value innovation theory. The researcher has found that in the first stage of industry development, the practitioners still focus on the government policy and consumers’ needs. Also, the most decisive factors are “sound government policy and the according enforcement of it” as well as “adequate service fee”. Strategically, telecom operators should look for cooperation with all members in the value chain and differentiation with competitors in the industry. On the other hand, television content providers should manage to seek competitive advantage by enriching the TV content and integrating different content and channel providers. As to cell phone manufacturers, they ought to reinforce the core technology of cell phones and also marketing ability and product design in order to have higher brand equity.


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