  • 學位論文


The Stability for Different Effect and Aging on Multiscale Entropy

指導教授 : 江行全




Age-related deterioration of postural stability is one of the most important causes of falls among the elderly. Mostly the relevant research study the elderly fall problem to fall factor analysis in the past, needing huge sample to analyzing that cause the study difficulty and complicatedly. For this reason, we designed an experiment to determine changes in the center of pressure (COP) during different time periods of standing at rest and at attention. We analyzed raw data on time-series changes in COP sway and determined the differences in the complexity of postural dynamics between young individuals and the elderly. In order to study the effects of aging on the complexity of postural dynamics, we used parameter optimization to determine the optimum parameter and used the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to detrend the signals and finally determine the complexity on the basis of multiscale entropy (MSE) from data on 15 healthy elderly (over 65 years of age) and 13 healthy young (under the age of 30 years) subjects. The results showed that the postural dynamics were less complex in the elderly than in the young subjects; this difference was more obvious with increase in the time of standing. This implies that postural stability in young individuals is better than that in the elderly. Further, analysis of the raw data revealed that the extent of COP sway was clearly larger in the elderly than in the young subjects. This indicates that the elderly are apt to sway more than young subjects while standing.


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