  • 學位論文


A Study on Travel Infomediary Websites

指導教授 : 梁朝雲


本研究之主要目的,是希望透過了解消費者的旅遊消費決策過程中的資訊搜尋與方案評估,以及旅行業的行銷推廣組合中的廣告、促銷與人員銷售等組合工具,並分析市場上主要的旅遊資訊仲介網站現行的網站功能與獲利模式,然後綜合三方面的研究結果,提出符合消費者旅遊資訊需求、並協助旅行業提高銷售的網站功能,並為旅遊資訊仲介網站發現可行的獲利模式。 本研究採質性研究方式進行,透過焦點團體訪談與專家訪談進行初級資料蒐集,共舉行2場共計14人次的消費者焦點團體訪談,並針對旅行業的行銷企劃主管、旅遊資訊仲介網站的經營者共11人進行專家訪談。 本研究結果發現,在網站功能方面,賣方的資訊聚合、資料處理、內容比對、評價/推薦、交易促進、協商等功能,都是消費者有需求、而市場上目前沒有網站提供的服務,都是旅遊資訊仲介網站可以發揮的空間。在獲利模式方面,廣告收入短期內只有Yahoo! 旅遊頻道可以有營收;如果旅遊資訊仲介網站能提供撮合方案,讓旅行業者以較低的行銷費用接觸到準客戶,便能產生交易佣金收入的獲利機會;行銷服務收入則已經是部份網站現行的收入來源,但必須謹慎分配與運用人力資源,以免影響網站既定的發展計劃。


The main purpose of this study is to find out feasible website functions and profit patterns for travel infomediay websites through combining research findings in three areas - understanding of how consumers perform information search and evaluation of alternatives during their decision-making process; mix tools of advertising, sales promotion and personal sale in the promotion mix used by travel agencies; and analysis of current website functions and profit patterns of major travel infomediary websites in the market. The study adopted qualitative research methodology and collected its primary data through focus group interviews and expert interviews. The study revealed that the website functions that consumers need are as follows: information aggregation of seller, data processing, content matching, evaluation / recommendation, and match / negotiation. However, none of these functions has been provided by existing websites. It is suggested that these functions be considered by website owners. As for profit patterns, no one except Yahoo! Travel Channel has ever received advertising income. By providing travel agencies with solutions to approach potential customers at lower costs as well as corresponding website functions and charge system, travel infomediary websites can get opportunities profiting from transaction commission.


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