  • 學位論文


The Study of “Female Into Male Disguise” Stories in the Late Ming and Early Qing Periods

指導教授 : 鍾雲鶯


本論文以「女扮男裝」的主題為研究,採明末清初之小說情節為例,全文共分成五章。 第一章緒論,主要說明本論文研究之動機和目的、研究材料和近代研究概況,以及研究範圍和方法。 第二章共分為兩節。第一節是「女扮男裝」情節之服飾觀探討,分別從《楚辭•九歌》、「木蘭」和「梁祝」故事,以及戲曲方面分點論述。首先,說明《楚辭•九歌》乃開啟了服飾裝扮轉換角色的概念;其次,採《木蘭詩》和翟灝《通俗編》中關於木蘭和梁祝之記載,呈現女性透過服飾掩飾性達成性別轉換之意義;再者,以戲曲增強服飾對於性別角色所產生的轉換功能,由戲曲發展歷程配以元戲文《祝英台》、明傳奇《同窗記》和明短劇《雌木蘭》所描寫出的服飾形象,為「女扮男裝」於戲曲裝扮上所表現出性別轉換意義作論述。第二節是「女扮男裝」情節之身體觀探討,亦以《楚辭•九歌》、「木蘭」和「梁祝」故事為主軸,綜述「身」與「心」互相影響之作用,在「女扮男裝」故事中不斷產生衝突與調和。 第三章共分為三節。透過才子佳人小說代表《玉嬌梨》為第一節之論述主軸,並以其它相關書目材料為佐證,歸納與分析明末清初小說作者試圖透過扮裝女性表現三類主題,一是扮裝女性能自主婚配,二是扮裝女性能暫離父權,三是女性之才志獲得肯定。第二節便以短篇小說《二刻拍案驚奇•同窗友認假作真,女秀才移花接木》、《喻世明言•李秀卿義結黃貞女》、《醒世恆言•劉小官雌雄兄弟》,以及中篇小說《白圭志》、《麟兒報》、《鐵花仙史》、《春柳鶯》、《宛如約》、《生花夢》、《醒風流奇傳》、《人間樂》、《歸蓮夢》、《玉嬌梨》、《情夢柝》、《巧聯珠》等為討論文本,為明末清初小說「女扮男裝」情節歸納女扮男裝者之動機有三類:一是顛覆傳統婚姻,而有避婚、自媒、娶妻之舉;二是游離性別場域,有了避難、訪人、經商、自小裝扮之例子出現;三是展現個人才能,故有向學、和韻、應試、獻策之展現。第三節選擇同樣具有「女扮男裝」情節的才子佳人小說以及三言二拍之篇章,探討短篇小說和中篇小說兩者間於「女扮男裝」情節的承襲與轉化,此二者書寫策略與發展之差異。 第四章共分為三節。以挑戰、突破與再度陷入困境探討「女扮男裝」故事情節成立的主軸與思維。先依結構主義劃分「女扮男裝」主題產生的固定情節主軸,再以明末清初小說文本之例劃破限制,於同中求異,闡述不同的情節線條,論證明末清初作品中多有女性透過服飾裝扮的轉換,實現對於現實提出挑戰與突破的決心,而女性最終所需面臨的侷限性和身分回歸,不免呈現出與原先扮裝目的相左的矛盾思維。 第五章結論。根據前幾個章節所論,重新整理出一個完整的論述架構,以及對於「女扮男裝」情節反覆論證所得之研究成果。試圖在明末清初小說的「女扮男裝」主題中開闢一塊新的研究視野。


The present study investigates female into man disguise concept according to examples of the plots of stories of Ming and Qing dynasties. The study consists of five chapters. Chapter One, Introduction, presents the motivation and purpose, research materials and background, research field and methods of this present study. Chapter Two consists of two parts. The first part reveals “female into male disguise” costume and accessories concept according to ”Nine-songs of Chuci”, “Mu-Lan”, and “Liang and Chu” plots and the peculiarities of traditional opera. This part investigates the plot of ”Nine-songs of Chuci”(《楚辭•九歌》) and reveals the costume and accessories concept and role transfer. Then, based on the plots about Mu-Lan and Liang and Chu in “Mu-Lan”(《木蘭詩》), and “Tong Su Bian”(《通俗編》) by Dihao, the meaning of the female into male disguise and gender transfer is presented. Third, this part shows the meaning of gender transfer in dramas based on costume disguise image described in drama of Yuan period “Zhu Yingtai”(《祝英台》), in legends of Ming period “Tong Chuang Ji”(《同窗記》) and in short drama of Ming dynasty “Ci Mu Lan”(《雌木蘭》). The second part discusses “female into male disguise” to show the perception of body based on”Nine-songs of Chuci”(《楚辭•九歌》), “Mu-Lan”(木蘭), and “Liang and Chu”(梁祝) plots. It shows the effect of body and heart influence each other which is attracted as a conflict and harmony in “female into man disguise” plots. Chapter Three consists of three parts. First part reveals the writers` intention through “female into male disguise” in stories of Ming and Qing dynasties according to representative Cai-zi Jia-ren novels “Yu Jiao Li”(《玉嬌梨》) as an example, to raise three main topics, which are as follows: 1) females` ability of independent organizing of marriage, 2) females` struggle with patriarchal hegemony; 3) confirming females` talents and ambitions. Part Two investigates motivation of female into male disguise in stories of Ming and Qing dynasties according to representative short stories “Er Ke Pai An Jing Qi, Tong Chuang You Ren Jia Zuo Zhen, Nv Xiu Cai Yi Hua Jie Mu”(《二刻拍案驚奇•同窗友認假作真,女秀才移花接木》), “Yu Shi Ming Yan, Li Xiu Qing Yi Jie Huang Zhen Nv”(《喻世明言•李秀卿義結黃貞女》), “Xing Shi Heng Yan, Liu Xiao Guan Ci Xiong Xiong Di”(《醒世恆言•劉小官雌雄兄弟》) and according to novels “Bai Gui Zhi”(《白圭志》), “Lin Er Bao”(《麟兒報》), “Tie Hua Xian Shi”(《鐵花仙史》), “Chun Liu Ying”(《春柳鶯》), “Wan Ru Yue”(《宛如約》), “Sheng Hua Meng”(《生花夢》), “Xing Feng Liu Qi Zhuan”(《醒風流奇傳》), “Ren Jian Yue”(《人間樂》), “Gui Lian Meng”(《歸蓮夢》), “Yu Jiao Li”(《玉嬌梨》), “Qing Meng Tuo”(《情夢柝》), “Qiao Lian Zhu”(《巧聯珠》) and others as examples. The motivations as follows: 1) females` desires to break traditional binds of marriage, as there are examples of refusal to marry, looking for their own spouse and marriage a girl. 2) females` desire to free themselves from sex binds, this could be seen in examples of escaping, visiting, doing business and disguising. 3) willing of women to prove their ambitions and talents by studying, writing poems, taking part in examinations and giving suggestions. Part Three based on “female into male disguise” plots in the “Caizi-Jiaren” novels(才子佳人小說) and in “San Yan and Er Pai”(三言二拍) novels discusses the difference of transfer and transmission of “female into male disguise” concept in short stories and novels; and reveals the difference in writing skills of two different literary types. Chapter Four combining three parts investigates the main idea of “female into male disguise” plots. It includes, first, to find the main concept of “female into man disguise” divided by structuralism; second, using the plots of stories of Ming-Qing period to find out exceptions to prove the females` challenge in reality by female into male disguise. Chapter Five – Conclusion, according to the first several chapters represents the study construction and gives the results of the present study. As a result, it can help to explore new direction of research in the field of “female into man disguise” plots.


3.白馥蘭著;江湄、鄭京力譯:《技術與性別:晚期帝制中國的權力經緯(Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China)》(南京:江蘇人民出版社,2006年)


