  • 學位論文


The Effect of Orthographic Experience on the Phonological Awareness of Chinese Speakers

指導教授 : 王旭


許多研究已顯示出拼字文字系統中音韻覺識能力與閱讀之間的關係,以及音韻覺識能力在中文閱讀中所扮演的角色。雖然過去的文獻中已經完成許多比較注音符號的學習前後對音韻覺識能力所造成的影響,但是對於學習注音符號與漢語拼音造成音韻覺識能力差異的研究就顯得較少。 本研究目的在探討注音符號與漢語拼音的學習是否對音韻覺識能力造成影響。研究對象為台灣以及大陸的幼稚園學童、小學生、以及大學生共六組受試者。受試者接受一連串的音韻覺識測驗,包括音節拆解、音素分割、目標音偵測(ㄧ、ㄨ、ㄚ)。研究結果顯示兩岸幼稚園學童在音節拆解上,以四個音節的項目表現較差;兩岸小學生在音節拆解與音素分割的表現較幼稚園兒童佳。在音素分割上,台灣一年級學生的表現大部份與注音符號的表現一致;而大陸的學童受到漢語拼音與學校教學法影響,拆解音素的表現和台灣學童較不一樣,但切割音素的總數目較台灣學童多。同樣的情形也出現在台灣大學生與大陸大學生。至於在目標音偵測方面,研究顯示兩岸幼稚園學童在各個音節節構的表現較差,但在注音符號與漢語拼音未提供線索的項目較佳。反之,台灣一年級的學童在有注音符號的協助下表現較好;而在注音符號未提供線索的較差。然而,大陸的學童也在拼音有提供線索的項目上較好。同樣的情形也出現在大學生組。本研究結果顯示,拼字系統的不同會造成音韻認知上的差別,學習系統的不同,以及學校教學法的影響都是音韻覺識發展的重要因素。 關鍵字: 標音系統、音韻覺識、注音符號、漢語拼音


The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect on phonological awareness of Chinese speakers as a result of different exposure to different phonetic symbols. The present study compares younger, pre-literate to older literate children and adults from two linguistic backgrounds: mainland China and Taiwan. Although Mandarin is used in both these areas, people in mainland China have learning experiences of Hanyu Pinyin while the speakers in Taiwan learn to use Zhuyin Fuhao to annotate Chinese characters. Kindergartners, primary school children, and college students in both sides of the strait were administered syllable segmentation task, phoneme segmentation task, and sound /i/ /u/ /a/ detection task. The results of the study showed that (1) both Beijing and Taiwan kindergartners performed very well on syllable segmentation task, but very poorly on four syllable items. (2) Both Beijing and Taiwan primary school children showed a greater improvement as compared to their kindergartners’ counterpart on syllable segmentation, phoneme segmentation, and sound detection. (3) The overall means of phoneme of each spoken word segmented by Beijing subjects were larger than Taiwanese counterpart. The same effect was observed in Beijing college group as well. (4) Regarding sound detection task, both Taiwan and Beijing kindergartners performed much better on the items that provided no phonological cues than primary school children. It was found that both Beijing second grade children and college students performed more poorly on GV item than Taiwanese counterpart, but much better on the items which are transparent to Pinyin system, indicating that familiarity with the alphabetic Pinyin transcription was superior to the Taiwanese when the task involved dealing specifically with diphthongs and VN rhyme. Relatively poor performance by Beijing subjects when asked whether GV item word containing the target /i/ and /u/ sound is due to school’s instruction. (5) The results of the current study showed that the way in which orthography represents phonology not only has effect on Chinese speakers’ phonological awareness, but also has long lasting effect on speakers’ intuition concerning the cognitive procedures. Keywords: transcription system, phonological awareness, orthography, orthographic effect, Zhuyin Fuhao, Hanyu Pinyin


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