  • 學位論文


Multi-scale entropy and Hilbert spectrum analysis applied in acupoint magnetic therapy: A study of elderly balance enhancement

指導教授 : 江行全


現今社會已漸邁入高齡化社會,“跌倒”這項因素,將是晚年生活的潛伏危機,老年人一旦跌倒後將導致一連串嚴重的致命危機。因此為了預防跌倒,本研究欲以非侵入性的方式進行穴位磁療法實驗,提升老年人平衡力。過去研究尚未有將穴位磁療法量化分析,本研究針對某安養機構32位老年人與某大學6位年輕人進行一個月的穴位磁療法實驗搭配COP量測,測量站立一分鐘的壓力中心點訊號,觀察老年人的平衡力恢復情形,並進一步的評估內部尺度變化之情形。COP訊號可單獨從前後及左右方向觀察其變化程度。下一步將兩個方向訊號個別使用經驗模態分解法拆解,選取重要的本質模態函數後,將訊號重建並導入多尺度熵分析及評估受測者一個月的平衡力恢復情形,並進一步使用頻率分析及希伯特頻譜分析與探討其內部尺度變化程度。 從本研究分析結果,24位老年人中,13位老年人複雜度提升程度20%,6位老年人複雜度只有輕微提升5%,5位老年人複雜度則沒有差異,受測者前後方向的平衡力提升幅度較左右方向大,並可觀察到穴位貼片刺激,對於高頻訊號變動較敏感。更進一步觀察13位老年人使用穴位貼片後複雜度隨之提升,對應其高頻本質模態頻率也會隨之提升以及希伯特頻譜整體能量也會提升,表示老年人經過穴位貼片刺激,複雜度提升導致其內部頻率也隨之增加以及整體能量上升之現象。


Falling is a major cause of accident among people over age of 65. This study aims to discover if using acupoint magnetic therapy can enhance the body balance function to reduce the chance of falling for the elderly. The complexity is a popular health indicator in recent years. In general, the young people have higher complexity and balancing control than the elderly. The center of pressure (COP) signal is measured to determine the complexity value for both young and elderly. The complexity values of pre- and post-acupoint magnetic therapy are collected for and compared between both young and elderly people. The COP signal can be examined in two parts: medio-lateral (ML) and anterior-posterior (AP). This study used empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to decompose each part of the COP signal. And the resulted high-frequency signals are selected to be adopted for multi-scale entropy (MSE) analysis for finding the complexity for each part. Further analyses of using frequency analysis and Hilbert Huang transform (HHT) analysis were also conducted. The results showed that among the 24 subjects tested, 80% of the elderly subjects had his/her complexity increased, 54% had complexity increased more than 20%, thus decreases the falling risk for the elderly people. The balancing control of AP direction increased more than that of the ML direction. It is also observed that the acupoint magnetic therapy affects the high-frequency signal more in the human body. The additional analyzed enhanced frequency and total energy of Hilbert spectrum can be further studied and applied in other fields such as rehabilitation.


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