  • 學位論文


Automatic Capture and Detect Blog Message of Suicidal Ideation

指導教授 : 邱昭彰


近幾年來,隨著網際網路的發展,網路部落格已愈來愈受歡迎,成為許多人表達和分享思想、觀點和情感的途徑。當個人產生情緒困擾時,網路部落格提供抒發與分享個人情緒的平台,有自殺風險的個人可能有意或無意直接地透露出自殺意念之文字訊息。 因此本研究針對網路部落格內可能具自殺意念傾向之訊息進行研究,透過文件探勘 (Text Mining)及人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)等技術,發展一個有效之自動線上擷取與偵測。研究中將文章分為有自殺意念文章及無自殺意念文章兩類別,實驗結果顯示,在有自殺意念文章類別之F-measure值可達80%以上。本研究提出的方法不僅可以協助政府或非政府之自殺防治組織線上獲得即時、準確的自殺意念訊息外,亦可經由相關組織的搭配整合發展出一套主動式的自殺預警或防治機制,期以挽回更多可能瀕臨喪失的寶貴生命。


In recent years, due to the development of internet Blog has become a ways to share thoughts, views and emotions. When people have emotional problems Blog provides platforms to express and share personal feelings. The risk of suicidal individuals may intentionally or unintentionally revealed suicidal ideation from the text message. Therefore, the study researches the Blog which has suicidal ideation message. Use text mining, artificial intelligence etc. to develop an effective online automatic capture and detect. The study divided message into suicidal ideation and without suicidal ideation two types. The result shows that F-measure value of suicidal ideation articles up to 80%. The research can provide a real-time and accurate suicide ideation information to government or suicide prevention organizations. Or relevant organizations can integrate an active early warning or suicide prevention mechanisms to help more of the loss of precious lives could be threatened.


2. 行政院衛生署自殺防治中心,http://www.tspc.doh.gov.tw/tspc/portal/index/。
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