  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of Using Near Infrared Spectrum to Detect Blood Lipid

指導教授 : 蔡正倫


高血脂症是由於血中脂肪物質過高所產生的疾病,但是高血脂症初期沒有明顯症狀,因此容易忽略而使得血脂日積月累淤積在血管壁上,長久之後便造成動脈硬化、甚至引發中風或心肌梗塞,對生命造成極大的威脅。目前醫院量測脂肪含量的方法是抽血後,分別測驗血中的總膽固醇、三酸甘油脂和脂蛋白的濃度,但抽血檢測非常耗時,且有時會因為受測者自身情形導致不易抽血。 由於油脂和水對近紅外光有不同的吸收光譜,此研究利用油脂和水的近紅外吸收度光譜來量化脂肪含量。此研究首先測量混合成不同比例的水與高脂質含量的Intrafat,以避免血紅素的光吸收度的影響,繼而測量不同比例的水與含高血脂的血漿,以確定真正血脂成分的近紅外吸收特性,最後則以豬全血混合高血脂血漿來模擬不同血脂含量的血液。所量測到的吸收度光譜以多組成成份的線性模型來進行分析,量測血漿血脂濃度從30mg/dL到140mg/dL之間的結果顯示,其線性相關係數可達到0.9。


Hyperlipidemin is due to excessive lipid contents in blood. Since there is no obvious symptom of hyperlipidemia in its early stages, it might be easily dismissed or ignored. In the long run, lipids and lipoproteins might be gradually accumulated in the blood vessel which would cause atherosclerosis, stroke, or myocardial infarction. Lipid blood test is currently the standard procedure that is used to measure cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein concentration in blood. Such blood draw/test requires expensive instruments, and it is not only time consuming but also difficult to perform at home alone. The different absorption properties of oil and water in near infrared spectral region are widely used in food industry to quantify their concentration in food products. The purpose of this study is to examine the feasibility of using near infrared spectroscopy to evaluate the total lipid concentration in blood. The samples used in this study are Intrafat or lipid extracted from plasma mixed with different amount of water to control their concentrations. The extracted lipid was also diluted using swine’s whole blood to simulate the real condition. Their near infrared absorption spectra were measured and analyzed using multi-components linear model. The results show that the r2 value is 0.9 at the range between 30 and 140 mg/dL.


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