  • 學位論文

媒體選擇之探索性研究 -以政府採購資訊服務為例-

An Exploratory Study of Media Choices The Case of Government Procurement Information Service

指導教授 : 劉士豪


論文摘要 傳播與資訊,已成為現代人生活中最重要的一環;尤其網際網路技術的一日千里,更增長了各種媒體的蓬勃發展,新的媒體造就了新的使用方式及使用觀念,然而使用者的觀念是否也如同資訊技術的一日數變,還是停留在原始的閱聽習慣?另一方面眾多的選擇,使用者是如何決定使用者所認為最佳的媒體,過往的研究是否仍適用於巨變後的新興媒體。 本研究以政府採購系統為研究,經過網際網路的洗禮下,單一資訊來源,透過多元管道的遞送,囊括傳統政府及民間的平面印刷媒體外,更增加了網頁的查詢、Email的遞送、加上口耳相傳等媒體;雖然是相同的一份資料,使用者如何權衡如何才是最佳的資訊來源? 本研究透過個案訪談及問卷調查兩階段,尋找使用者媒體選擇的可能因素,接著以SPSS8.0為分析工具,分別對問卷資料作因素分析及集群分析,據以建立並找出影響媒體影響的主要重要因素為及廠商特性。 研究發現廠商的三大類型,分別為:「獨立思考型」、「應用創新型」及「安於現狀型」,而其主要媒體選擇的因素可被歸納為四大項目:「資訊品質」、「他人影響」、「成本考量」以及「保留現狀」。系統發展者可經由使用者類型及其決策因素,提供相對的服務。 此外對於使用者對於網際網路媒體的使用方式,也作一初步觀察,發現使用者以及系統設計者並未充分發揮網際網路及資訊科技的諸多特性,仍以傳統媒體及傳統資訊系統設計方式使用及設計網際網路,造成較友善的環境,無法推展到終端使用者。


政府採購 媒體選擇


Abstract Communication and IT already become the most important part of the modern life. Especially the fast progress of the technology of Internet makes the booming market of the medium. New medium creates the new method and new concept. But whether the concept of the new user changes with the technology of Internet or still stay like the ancient time? And facing with so many choices, the user how to decided which is the best medium? And whether the study and research that we already have had adjust to the changes of the new medium. This study focuses on the systems of government purchasing. When IT is through multiple mediums like the paper prints of government and non-government, homepage, Emil and verbal communication, how should the user evaluate which is the best source of the data? This study uses the two stages of case study and questionnaire to find out the possible factors that can affect the choice of the users. Firstly I use the SPSS8.0 to make Factor Analysis and Clustr Analysis of the data of the questionnaire and try to find out the most important factors that will affect the medium choices. Finally I conclude that 1) the user have three type: the independent, the innovation applicant and the contented. 2) the four major factors that will affect the choice of medium: the quality of information, the influence of other user, the cost and stability of original. I also observe the way the user use the Internet. I feel regret that either the user or system designer still use the traditional medium and data processing to design and use the internet. They don’t fully utility the technology of Internet and IT that the very friendly environments of the Internet can not expand to the end users.


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