  • 學位論文


The Study of Enterprise Crisis Management-A Case of Medical Treatment Service Industry and High-Tech Manufacturing Industry

指導教授 : 林久翔


摘要 現今企業危機處理的能力與效率已成為經理人營運必備之能力,且是項不可忽視的重要議題。本研究欲透過台灣目前實際企業危機處理個案的探討,深入了解危機發生時,企業是如何處理危機?危機未發生前應如何規劃危機管理系統?才能使危機影響減至最低。 本研究歸納過去學者對於危機處理的研究,同時針對研究個案。透過「類型及發生原因」與「危機發生前、中、後各階段性發展」描述研究個案,並依個案狀況做出評估與討論。最後對於企業危機管理程序與處理成效提出以下結論: (一)危機管理計畫是防範危機發生的基本工具:當危機來臨時,事前若無危機管理 計畫當會影響危機處理時效,所有相關人員是無法在最短時間內因應所面臨之 危機,甚至增加後續危機處理的難度及困擾。 (二)資源管理是縮短危機處理時間之重要因素:資源管理系統應於平時建立,才能 於危機發生時發揮有效功能,縮短危機處理時間及損失。並且需定期更新與訓 練。 (三)危機是否順利解決取決於危機處理領導人:危機處理領導人必須掌控所有與危 機相關訊息無論是後勤支援、客戶服務、新聞媒體、員工心理及政府關切,才 能做出適當的決策。危機是否能夠在控制之中並順利解決,取決於危機處理領 導人與其危機處理組織的互動與命令執行確實以順利度過危機。


危機管理 資源管理


ABSTRACT Effective crisis management is a critical ability that cannot be ignored by a modern manager. This study analyzes the following issues through realistic enterprise crisis management in Taiwan: (1) When a crisis happens, how can an enterprise deal with it? (2) How to plan the crisis management system before a crisis happens and reduce its influence? Based on the result of past research, the study attempts to classify the types of crisis and the reasons for its occurrence. Cases are analyzed based on three different stages: before, during, and after the crisis. The stage method was used to evaluate and discuss the cases. The stage crisis management method can be divided into preparation, emergency response, and recovery. Finally, the study addresses the conclusion on enterprise crisis management and its effect as below. 1. The crisis management plan is essential to preventing a crisis. Without the crisis management plan, when a crisis happens all the related personnel do not know how to respond to it in time, making the subsequent actions more difficult and complex. 2. Resources are a key factor to shorten crisis management time. Resource management system should be built up ordinarily and updated regularly at hand. Training should be provided to ensure system effectiveness when a crisis happens. 3. Whether a crisis is smoothly solved or not depends on the crisis management leader. The leader must control all related information such as logistic support, customer service, public media, employee mentality, and official response to make appropriate decisions. Getting a crisis situation under control and successfully solved depends on leader-organization interaction and precise execution of orders.


Fink, Steven., 1986, Crisis Management: Planning for Inevitable. New York : American
Management Association.


