  • 學位論文


The Environmental Preference Factors of the Interior Space:An Example of Residential Dining Rooms

指導教授 : 莊修田


摘 要 本研究將焦點鎖定於室內環境,主要考量在於室內環境是建築體的主要部分,也是人類生活的重心。在室內人造環境中,視覺美學的變化可因人因地而異,因此這方面的研究,對於追求生活品味的現代人而言更顯重要。 所以,本研究針對室內環境住宅空間中的餐廳為研究對象,並加入生活型態因素,藉由量化的分析法,期望找出通則性的視覺偏好建議。本研究希望達到以下四項目的:1.分析住宅餐廳視覺偏好之構成因素。2.了解個人屬性、生活型態與住宅餐廳視覺偏好等描述性內容。3.探討個人屬性對生活型態、住宅餐廳視覺偏好,是否有顯著的影響差異。4.了解生活型態與住宅餐廳視覺偏好之相關情形。 本研究以住宅空間中的餐廳為研究對象,將評量視覺偏好因素之工具分為三部分,分別為:1.個人屬性資料表 2.生活型態量表 3.住宅餐廳視覺偏好量表;以此對受測者進行問卷調查。本研究將問卷結果進行量化研究,結果發現:1.對於住宅餐廳視覺偏好,受測者最偏好的是「自然借景的開闊空間」因素。2.在生活型態方面,受測者最同意的是「個性自主型」因素。3.住宅餐廳視覺偏好及生活型態各因素間,呈現正相關,顯示生活型態確實會影響受測者對室內環境視覺偏好的選擇。 研究結果發現,「自然借景的開闊空間」明顯是大部分受測者較為偏好的視覺因素,顯示出使用者對住宅餐廳空間明顯有面對戶外及採光的冀求及喜好。也因此,在結論的最後,特別提出此點發現,建議空間專業設計者將來在規劃設計時,應特別注意此類空間的規劃使用,以求更符合一般使用者的視覺偏好及需求。


Abstract Considering the interior space is the main part of a structure and plays an important role for people’s everyday lives, the topic this essay is discussing is all about the interior artificial space, which is obviously related to the visual aesthetics. As the living quality is more and more emphasized in today’s society, the researches concerning the interior space, undoubtedly, become much more significant and indispensable for the well-being of the modern people. That’s the reason why this essay is focused on discussing residential dining rooms, with the expectation to find the general and universal visual preference elements for modern people, by the method of quantification. The goal which this essay intends to achieve can be explained in the following four aspects: 1) Analyzing the factors constructing for the visual preference of residential dining rooms; 2) Finding the best description for personal conditions, life styles, and the visual preference for residential dining rooms through SPSS, one of the quantitative methods 3) Exploring how personal conditions and life styles will affect people’s visual preference for residential dining rooms; 4) Compiling statistics for the correlation between people’s life styles and their visual preference for residential dining rooms. Focusing upon the residential dining room as the main topic, the research sets a series of questions by applying the following three to evaluate the visual preference elements: 1) People’s personal data; 2) Their life styles; 3) Their visual preference for residential dining rooms. After the quantitative operational analysis making on the result of the questionnaire mentioned above, we get the following three initial conclusions as following: 1) As for the visual preference for residential dining rooms, it is the “open space with the natural sights” that the testers favor the most. 2) Concerning the variable as life styles, it is the “independent character” that can be identified most with the testers. 3) The relationship between residential dining rooms and people’s life styles seems to be positively correlative, meaning that people’s life styles do have some great effects upon testers’ visual preference for the interior space. In conclusion, it is obviously the “open space with natural sights” that most testers favor the best, which indicates that the dwellers indeed prefer the outer space with natural light most when considering their residential dining rooms. Therefore, it is the intention of this essay to remind those professional interior designers to pay more attention to the result, and come out with the most useful and favorable space planning for the dwellers, in order to meet the functional demands and visual preferences of the general dwellers.


李英弘、梁文嘉(2000)。景觀評估中之心理學模式之研究。造園學報,7(1), 67-87。


