  • 學位論文


The study of dyeing wastewater treatment by using membrane bioreactor

指導教授 : 游勝傑


本研究利用循序批分式生物反應槽(sequencing batch bioreactor, SBR)、薄膜生物處理系統(membrane bioreactor, MBR)、及結合厭氧脫色槽之厭-好氧生物脫色薄膜處理程序(Anerobic-aerobic membrane bioreactor, AOMBR)與RO膜(AOMBR/RO)進行處理染整廢水之研究。 經由SBR處理後之出流水其COD、SS、BOD及真色色度等這四項水質分別為133 mg/L、96 mg/L、68 mg/L及548 ADMI,其處理效率分別是70、60、64及40 %,可以發現此程序對於有機物及色度的去除效果皆不佳。AMBR程序出流水水質COD、SS、BOD及真色色度ADMI值分別為95 mg/L、低於1mg/L、3mg/L及513 ADMI,其處理效率分別為78、100、98及43%,可以發現AMBR程序對於有機物的去除效果可達75%以上,但至於色度的去除效果仍停留在50%左右。 AOMBR程序為在原有的AMBR模廠前加設一組厭氧脫色反應槽,進料方式採批次進流,此程序之出流水水質COD、SS、BOD及真色色度ADMI值分別為36.5 mg/L、0 mg/L、3 mg/L及196.1 ADMI,處理效率分別為88、100、98及81%,由結果顯示,此程序不僅僅對有機物質的去除果高外,對於色度的去除效果也達到80%以上,這是SBR與AMBR程序所無法達到的效果。AOMBR/RO程序為在原有的AMBR模廠後加設一組RO膜組,以兩天過濾一次的方式操作,其出流水水質COD、SS、BOD及真色色度ADMI值分別為38 mg/L、0 mg/L、0 mg/L及32.1 ADMI,處理效率分別為88、100、100及97%,此程序幾乎能成功的將所有色度去除。 本研究接著利用分子生物方法進行AMBR菌相分析,其中發現多株菌種,如Microbacterium aurum 、Paenibacillus azoreducens與Bacillus sp,其中Microbacterium aurum反應槽中之優勢菌種;而P. azoreducens,此菌可以在24hr內將偶氮染料Rective Black 5降解98%;及Bacillus sp ,其具有能將偶氮還原的能力。在厭氧脫槽菌相分析部分,本研究以菌種脫色實驗來進行,將具有脫色能力之菌種藉此實驗篩選出。此實驗可分為針對一般菌種之TGE(好氧)及TGC(厭氧)培養基,以及針對真菌之PDA,PDB(好氧、厭氧)培養基進行種種篩選,並成功篩選出24株脫色效果極佳之菌種,其中包括3株好氧真菌及18株厭氧菌。


In this study, the performance of sequencing batch reactor (SBR), aerobic membrane bioreactor (AMBR), anaerobic-oxic membrane bioreactor (AOMBR) and AOMBR/RO processes treating the synthetic textile dyeing wastewater (Reactive Black 5) was investigated and compared. The microorganisms with high dye-degrading performance were also studied by traditional culturing method. After more than two year process operation, we obtain the average effluent concentration for SBR, AMBR, AOMBR, and AOMBR/RO process. It was observed that the SS of those four processes effluent were 96, 0, 0, and 0 mg l-1, respectively. This revealed that the membrane did retain all particle in the aerobic tank. Furthermore, the COD of those four processes effluent were 133, 95, 37, and 38 mg l-1, respectively. It was found that the anaerobic tank of AOMBR and AOMBR/RO can lower the COD concentration. In addition, the BOD of those four processes effluent were 68, 3, 3, and 0 mg l-1, respectively. For this parameter, the membrane unit also showed an excellent performance. Finally, the true color of those four processes effluent were 548, 513, 196 and 32 ADMI, respectively, revealed that the anaerobic tank and RO unit could achieve higher color removal performance. According the experiment result, all the processes containing membrane unit meet the Taiwan EPA effluent criteria, but only the AOMBR/RO process meets the water reclamation criteria for cooling water usage. The removal performance of these four processes describes in this section. It was obviously found that the processes containing membrane unit performed excellent efficiencies on SS and BOD removal. Additionally, the anaerobic tank can enhance the COD and true color removal, while the RO unit can further remove the true color. In this study, 200 colonies were isolated successful. After DGGE screening, twelve predominant species, i.e. more than 2% of the total colonies, were sequenced and compared with the published species in NCBI. Significantly was observed that the genus Microbacterium, especially the Microbacterium aurum, was the most predominant population in the sludge (70.6 % and 62.8 %). Paenibacillus azoreducens is an endospore-forming bacterium which has already been isolated from textile industry wastewater. It is considered to be an azo-dye-reducing bacterium and could decolorize the azo dye, Remazol Black B, by 98% within 24 hours. Bacillus sp., which is also a kind of endospore-forming bacterium, was already screened and is considered to have the ability to produce azoreductase for dye-decolorization. This study also isolated higher de-color performance microorganisms by using TGE (for total microorganisms isolation), PDA (for both anaerobic and aerobic fungi isolation) and TGC (for anaerobic microorganisms isolation) mediums. The experimental results showed that only 3 isolates performed more than 80% Reactive Black 5 degrading efficiencies by using both TGE and aerobic PDA mediums. On the contrary, no isolate was obtained by using anaerobic PDA mediums, implied that there is no strictly anaerobic fungi in the anaerobic tank. Furthermore, 18 isolates cultured from anaerobic TGC medium showed more than 90% Reactive Black 5 removal efficiency, revealed that the anaerobic tank did enhance the growth of the high de-color microorganisms, especially anaerobic bacteria (18 isolates cultured).


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