  • 學位論文


Introduction to Network Coding and its Application

指導教授 : 王佳盈


2000年針對通訊網路的瓶頸問題,提出具有革命潛力的方法,即「網路編碼」。以網路編碼取代路由器,網路的運作會變得更有效率,且不需增加硬體設備或頻寬,就可提高網路容量,會變得更快、更可靠。網路編碼得應用非常廣泛,幾乎適用所有形式的通訊。例如,兩台電腦欲經過無線基地台互相傳送給對方一個訊息。基地台的收發器,原本需要四步的程序才能完成,但用了網路編碼的技術,就只需三步,甚至於兩步,訊號傳輸率提升了近一倍。微軟最近發展用來做點對點傳輸(Peer-to-peer)的雪崩(Avalanche)軟體,也是用網路編碼來提高信號的傳輸率。 本篇論文主要針對網路編碼在P2P 上的應用,做更深入的探討。透過這些討論我們可以發現,網路編碼的確可以增加網路傳輸的速率,並且提供更高的可靠度。


雪崩 網路編碼 點對點傳輸


Network coding is a new technique which may be applied in many areas including information theory, network communication, wireless transmission, network security, P2P content distribution, network tomography, etc. It was proposed in 2000 by Ahlswede, Cai, Li and Yeung. Since then, there were many research papers published about this topic. It is well known that by using network coding, the maximum network throughput can be achieved and the system will become more robust. For example, suppose two notebooks want to change their data via an access point. In traditional way, we need four time slots to complete the exchange. By using network coding, only three time slots or even two time slots are needed. In this technique report, we introduce the network coding theory, and discuss the possible applications. Especially, we focus on the P2P content distribution with network coding techniques. We introduce the concepts used in the software Avalanche produced recently by Microsoft. According to their claims, by using network coding, the download time can be minimized and almost every node can finish the download even if most servers leave immediately after their download. We believe this technique will influence deeply in many areas today.


[2] Pablo Rodriguez,Christos Gkantsidis . “ Network Coding for Large Scale Content Distribution. ” Microsoft Research Cambridge.2006
[4] Peter Popovski, Member, IEEE, and Hiroyuki Yomo, Member, IEEE,“ Wireless Network Coding by Amplify-and-Forward for Bi-Directional Traffic Flows, ”
[5] Pablo Rodriguez,Christos Gkantsidis . “ Network Coding for Large Scale Content Distribution. ” Microsoft Research Cambridge.2006
[6] P.Larsson, N.Johansson,“ Interference cancellation in wireless relaying networks, ” May 2003 patent WO 2004/102981.
[7] P.Popovski and H.Yomo,“ Bi-directional amplification of throughput in a wireless multihop network, ” in 63th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006.
