  • 學位論文


The Reuse Design of the Historical Building Huai En Hall of Chung Yuan Christian University

指導教授 : 胡寶林


中原大學歷史性建築-「懷恩樓」是民國44年落成啟用,至今已有五十年的歷史,是中原大學創校之初唯一一棟現存的建築物。期間「懷恩樓」經歷過多次功能上的改變與建築物內部的變動,目前仍然做為教室使用。就地緣關係上來說,「懷恩樓」在中原大學校園發展的過程中扮演著圓心的角色,因中原大學是以先購地再建設之方式,逐次擴張發展而成,為此,原始校區上之懷恩樓,對中原大學來說是追本朔源的象徵性歷史建築。 而就歷史性建築物的認同感來說,從創校五十年始,只要是中原的學生就於此上過課,念過書,考過試,與同學在此談天說地,前方的水池更是邀約集合的絕佳地點,更是許多人畢業時被拋入的地方。「懷恩樓」與週遭的環境,是許許多多中原人,包括最早的畢業生至年近退休之教授的共同回憶,它的存在印證著許多人年輕的歲月,也見證中原大學篳路藍縷的創校過程,它的保存價值由它所凝聚的認同意識與歷史記憶中獲得確認,是一棟極具歷史價值意義的建築物。 懷恩樓之現狀形式是於民國74年年圖書館落成時共同翻新,其上面貼與圖書館相同面材(二丁掛),形成新舊不分,時空錯亂的新建築意象。本設計第一目的為-再現歷史建築之主體性,恢復舊貌,以修舊如舊之方式並融合公共藝術彰顯其地標之尊榮。設計過程採參與式設計方式,廣徵學生意見,重新定位,以學生活動及校史展演功能為主。


The historic building of Chung Yuan Christian University, Huai En Hall, was established in 1955. It is the only original building that remains standing since Chung Yuan Christian University was established fifty years ago. During the past fifty years, it has been renovated and has undergone various changes in its function. It is currently used as a classroom. Geographically speaking, Huai En Hall is located at the center of the Chung Yuan Christian University’s development. Due to Chung Yuan Christian University’s gradual development, there has been the need to invest in the acquisition of land and in the subsequent construction of buildings. Therefore, Huai En Hall’s location at the original campus not only makes it significant, but also the fact that it stands as a structure of historic relevance to Chung Yuan Christian University’s history makes it important. In regards to the overall identity of the historical structures, since the establishment of the university fi! fty years ago, every student in this university has learned, studied, taken tests, and discussed about everything that is found here, especially the pond in front of Huai En Hall. The pond is the perfect spot to meet up with our dates, and also, a perfect place to throw someone in when one has graduated. The mention of all these facts serve only to emphasize the importance of Huai En Hall and its surroundings, which are crucial to the legacy of community for all the members of Chung Yuan Christian University, including a professor whom himself graduated from Chun Yuan Christian University during its nascent years and about to retire. The existence of Huai En Hall serves as witness to every individual’s young glorious years and Chung Yuan Christian University’s arduous process of development. The preservation value of Huai En Hall is confirmed by the identical consciousness and memory it gathered. Huai En Hall is an extremely valuable historical structure. The appearance of Huai En Hall was redefined when the library was set up in 1985. We renovate the material of its facade with the same one used upon the library (some yellow external wall tiles). This has spawned a new form, comprising both the old and the new, a fresh new mixture. The primordial objective was to re-create the principal portion of the building, to bring out its traditional facade and allow it to stand out as a local marker of public art. The design process involved public participation. We extensively welcomed the students’ opinions, which contributed to the redefinition of Haui En Hall. Finally, we placed much emphasis on the uses of the student activity center and Chung Yuan Christian University’s history exhibition.


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