  • 學位論文


The Business Process Reengineering of ERP for OEM Supply Chain

指導教授 : 劉士豪




Manufacturing industries from the foundry, gradually change the pattern to products and services. The OEM factory environment also suffered difficulties, the single production no longer exists, then replace the order type of a small amount of diverse mixed single production, OEM factory business types need to be repositioned, which means the business types from Center-Satellite Factory System into customer's production department, let OEM factory can provide service to difference customer. In this study, serial number control is the most important point. We create a new business process, and define all the details of the means of implementation and expect to slove OEM factorys' current status. In the case company implement to new process to verification, use of interviews and analysis to understand the actual operations and process compatibility. The findings: serial number control can be an effective solution to current status of the supply chain professional foundries, and of the serial number control can be more muti-applications in the supply chain.


Serial Number Control OEM Supply Chain BPR ERP


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