  • 學位論文


Independent Travelers Knowledge Sharing of Intention on Travel Social Networking Sites

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


在全球網際網路及社群興起下,自助旅行者透過旅遊社群強大的即時互動及知識共享,已引起許多旅遊業者、商家的注意,紛紛成立旅遊社群來進行行銷。然而,過往旅遊社群的研究,大部份為社群的使用意願,對於自助旅行者知識共享意願的心理因素,卻鮮少被討論。因此,本研究從自助旅行者的創新人格特質、社群認同來探討使用旅遊社群知識共享的意願。 本研究以使用過旅遊社群為研究對象,透過網路問卷共收集480份有效樣本,並進行結構方程式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析,透過LISREL 8.8進行驗證因素分析和結構模型分析,以驗證各變數之間關係。本研究結果顯示,自助旅行者的個人創新特質會影響主觀知識和知覺風險;社群認同會影響信任和歸屬感;信任會影響知覺風險及歸屬感,而主觀知識及歸屬感對旅遊社群知識共享意願有正向影響。冀望本研究結果有助於旅行業管理者在行銷策略及旅遊社群管理之參考。


In the rise of global Internet and the social community, independent travelers acquiring real-time interaction and knowledge sharing through the travel social networking sites. It was attracted important attention by many tourists and companies. They are trying to set up travel social networking sites to carry out marketing awareness or attractiveness. However, most of the research in the past focusing on travel social networking sites or the willingness to use for the community, it is rarely discussed for the independent traveler's willingness to share knowledge. Therefore, this study is to explore the willingness to share knowledge using the travel social networking sites through the independent traveler's innovative personality traits and community identity. In this study, a total of 480 valid questionnaires were collected by network survey and analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The validation factor analysis and structural model analysis were carried out by LISREL 8.8 to verify the results and the relationship between the variables. The results of this study indicate that independent travelers' personal innovation traits affects subjective knowledge and perceived risk; community identity affects trust and sense of belonging; trust will affect perceived risk and sense of belonging. Moreover, subjective knowledge and sense of belonging has a positive impact to knowledge shared willingness of the travel social networking sites. It is hoped that the results of this study will help the managers of the travel industry have reference when managing the marketing strategy and travel social networking sites management.


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