  • 學位論文


Effects of a Real-time Question-answering Reflection System on Student Learning

指導教授 : 夏延德


由於在東方人的教育環境與思想觀念下,大多不敢主動發問問題,或是發問問題時抓不到要點,不知該怎麼問問題,甚至是連自己的問題在哪邊都不知道,因此在課堂教學中老師與學生的「課堂問答」更顯為重要。課堂問答除了能當作檢驗學生的學習成效,更能幫助學生釐清自己想法與概念。然而課堂人數眾多,若用傳統的口頭問答方式一個一個請學生回答,便容易耽誤課堂進度。因此,常見的問答方式為老師在課堂上隨機抽點學生問答,但往往只有被問到的同學才會思考,沒被問的同學不會去思考,就算老師開放同學間互相討論幫忙回答問題,但沒被問的同學大多依舊是使用手機或在做其他事情,依舊沒有思考。老師課堂上會問的問題通常都是課程重點或是學生普遍較難理解的部分,這些不去思考的學生們也因此少學習到許多重要內容。 有鑒於此,本研究將「行動裝置」和「即時反饋系統」結合成「問答式即時反思系統」作為「翻轉教室」和「蘇格拉底式對話」的精進,讓學生們在課堂問答上使用。藉此觀察學生使用系統與否,是否能對學生「學習成就」、「學習動機」、「學習興趣」、「學習態度」達到顯著的成效。 根據實驗結果,使用本系統問答能顯著的提升學生學習動機、學習態度,也能讓學生維持住學習興趣,但對於學習成就來說,可能是受其他因素干擾,例如:學生每周作業皆使用撰寫程式和自動I/O測試系統CAL做練習,因此學習成就沒有達到顯著差異。


Oriental students are usually shy in asking questions. They do not actively raise questions in class. Some even do not know what their problems are, making it even harder for them to ask questions. When an instructor encounters situations like this, it may be better for the instructor to directly ask the students questions (and not to wait for the students themselves to raise questions). In order for this strategy of “directly asking students questions” to be effective, it is better to select a student and ask a question (and not to ask the same question to the whole class). However, there are two problems with this “select and ask” strategy. The first problem is that when the instructor is asking some student a question, other students may not pay attention to what the instructor is asking and how the being asked student is responding. The second problem is that it may take too much time for most, if not all, students to be asked questions individually. To solve these two problems, this research develops a learning assistance system called Ask Every Individual (AEI). Basically, what AEI does is to put an answering system on the Web. This way, when the instructor asks a question, every student should use his/her cell phone to give an answer to the question. The instructor then randomly selects from all submitted answers several “sample answers” and leads the whole class in evaluating the validity of these sample answers. A related educational experiment showed that the use of AEI helped to significantly increase learner motivation and also helped to significantly improve learner attitude. However, there was no improvement in learning achievement. Therefore, it still remains to be seen regarding how AEI can be used in a way that leads to a significant improvement in learning achievement.


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