  • 學位論文

論我國財務報表不實之民刑事責任 -以會計審計角度切入

A Study on Civil Liabilities and Criminal Responsibilities for Financial Statement Fraud in Taiwan –Focus on Auditing and Accounting

指導教授 : 姚志明




會計 審計 財務報表不實


In the recent years, financial crimes have emerged endlessly, such as the PROCOMP case, the China Rebar case, and even the recent XPEC Entertainment case, which are all related to the misrepresentation of financial statements. However, most of the judicial officers don’t have enough financial knowledge of accounting and auditing so that the investigation and searching they have may influence the facts. Therefore, it is important for every judicial officer to have the concepts of accounting and auditing which can help them to find the real facts and evidences. According to the laws and regulations, companies must present the final financial statements to the Market Observation Post System. However, the amount of account in the financial statements are often presented in numbers which makes it difficult to know the mistakes. For example, the total amount of a cash account is assumed to be 10 million. In that 10 million, only through analyzing how much percentage is from overdue accounts or issuing stocks so that we can realize the tructure of it. However, if an account amount produced by fake certificates and accounting records, it will be hard to find the mistake in the financial statements. The reason why is that we only know an amount of cash account is 10 million but cannot understand the structure of cash account. What is more, if the manager in the company arranges staffs who don’t understand the situation to make records with improper accounting principles, it will be difficult for judicial officers to indicate the problems in the records. Thus, the fair presentation of the financial statements in a company are decided through checking the accounting firm from the auditors as well as visaing and expressing the professional opinions on the company’s financial statements from the CPA. Finally, this article will introduce the productive process of the financial statements and the basic concepts of the auditor's auditing process. Also, through the introduction of the practical cases to explain what the financial statements may be presented and what the purpose is. The most important of all, readers should understand learning the knowledge of accounting and auditing will help to recognize the fraud of the financial statements and making the judicial officers more easily and clearly identify the facts. At the same time, I also hope people can broaden the horizon and curiosity on the knowledge of the accounting and auditing and explore this field more enthusiastically.


Financial Statement Auditing Fraud Accounting


