  • 學位論文


Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Purchase of Doujinshi

指導教授 : 邱榆淨 廖本哲


科技進步的時代,各種新興產業盛起,不論是各種工商網站經營或Youtuber都是典型例子。同人誌產業雖在日本早已有悠久歷史,在台灣也行之多年,但因為受限於過去網路資訊及硬體設備不發達,導致進入門檻高且創作者們想在同人產業中販售同人誌做為主業是非常不容易的事情,同人誌展覽會場也僅被當作同好之間交流的活動,真正能夠大賣的創作家屈指可數。 而近十幾年來科技與資訊的進步,軟、硬體設備推陳出新的情況下,讓人們都有機會能夠成為一名創作家,也讓同人誌展覽會被更多人群看見,參展人數屢破新高,企業看到機會開始成立各種實體、網路販售或是募資平台供創作家們使用,世界各地不少對創作有興趣之人亦開始以同人誌創作家當主業為目標,市場競爭人數日益增大,競爭相對激烈,影響消費者購買同人誌的因素也越趨複雜,因此本研究探討迷文化、社群網路、同人誌販賣會等文獻,蒐集推論相關因素並設計成消費者問卷,運用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路程序分析法(DANP)求出影響消費者選擇購買同人誌所考量的關鍵因素,並用社群網路上的例子驗證該因素實質是否能夠帶出效益。 本研究發現同人誌中「作品主題」是影響消費者購買同人誌的主要關鍵因素,並從社群現象驗證「主題」的確是能夠帶來正向效益。而「作品畫風」與「作品畫技」在數據顯示是重要度非常高的項目,說明消費者可能仍會以同人誌中畫面上的呈現作為其中重要考量的購買依據之一,所以也是特別需要注意的因素。對於創作家若在滿足「畫風」符合大眾市場口味且「畫技」技術層面已有相當程度等條件,出現販售同人誌數量不佳與經營社群網站關注度不高且增長速度緩慢的情形下,應該檢視自身創作的「主題」是否太過冷門,脫離社群群眾能夠分享討論的範圍,而從消費者回饋數據顯示,直接改善之處針對「主題」做改善應是最佳方案。


迷文化 社群網路 同人誌 DANP


As technology is advancing, emerging industries are becoming more popular nowadays. Online marketing, streaming, and internet celebrities are some good examples of these emerging industries. The doujin industry has existed for a very long period of time in both Japan and Taiwan. In the past, due to limited internet resource and underdeveloped hardware, it was very hard for people to make a living by only selling doujinshis. The doujin events were mainly considered to be nothing more than fan club meetings for people who enjoy creating doujin arts. As the information technology and both the software and hardware for computers are more advanced nowadays, people have access to more resource that can help them become better creators. It also helps to attract more people from different communities to participate the doujin events. With more participants, businesses begin to see great opportunities within this industry. Companies started to host platforms, both virtually and physically, for creators to sell their works or raise funds for bigger projects. As the industry has becoming a lot more competitive as more doujin artists from all around the world are trying to enter the business, the key factors which are affecting consumers’ willingness of purchasing doujinshi are thus becoming more complicated. Therefore, by studying articles related to fan culture, social media, and doujin events, we came up with a questionnaire for the consumers to gather the needed information to analyze. We are going to find out the key factors that are affecting consumers’ willingness of purchasing doujinshi by using DEMATEL-based ANP(DANP). We will then use examples from the social media to prove whether or not these factors actually matter. In our study, we found that ‘theme’ plays a major role in affecting consumers’ willingness of purchasing doujinshi. We’ve also proved that ‘theme’ does bring positive benefits from social media phenomenon. Although both ‘art styles’ and ‘artistic skills’ are factors considered to have lower impact according to the questionnaires, both are are still considered to be somewhat important. That means doujin artists should consider whether or not the ‘theme’ of their doujin works is too minor if both their ‘art style’ and ‘artistic skills’ are accepted by the consumers and yet still having difficulties to sell their products. As the data collected from the consumers’ feedback shows, ‘theme’ shall be the most important factor for artists to take under consideration for improvement.


Fan culture Social media Doujinshi DANP


王曉玨、宋偉杰,2001年,理解大眾文化(Understanding Popular Culture,1989),中國: 中央編譯出版社。
