  • 學位論文


The analysis of different space in local creation -A case study of Yongning community in Yangmei

指導教授 : 謝淳鈺


設計的價值不該只實踐在少數人身上,更因該發酵在整個社會。近年來社會設計意識抬高,使得越來越多人開始投入此領域。行政院農業委員會水土保持更於2011年開始推動「大專生洄游農村競賽計畫」,藉由讓學生直接進入社區去找尋問題並以自身所學去貢獻於地方為地方創生。而投入「社會設計」專業的學生將必須更加了解社會需求及其需解決的問題,讓投入的學生得以有更充實的知識背景去實踐社會設計(Wang 1, Kinns Ji , 2016)。而在這些地方創生的執行中都會投入不同的社區,在當中又會有許多不同類型的空間與場域,背後都具備著不同的特質。因此本研究問題有二;一、 不同的施作場域中所具備的因子與特質為何?;二、是否能依據不同場域之因子與特質去發展出一套屬於社區的「城市意象」?本研究首先會透過文獻回顧法去設定在地方活化時會運用到的因子,從「地方創生」、「場所精神」以及「城市意象」三個理論設定出符合地方創生場域活化的因子。再藉由案例分析法將實際已執行過的「地方創生」與「洄游農村」的案例總共六個去分析找出不同場域的特質,最終透過參與式觀察法以楊梅的永寧社區為例,在這社區中有許多不同類型的空間,具備了豐富的自然生態、客家文化建築……等多樣性的場域,最終透過活動的舉辦搭配問卷調查法去對活動的參與者對於實際走訪後這些場域的感受度,以找出不同場域中具備的因子與特質為何。依據這些研究結果,本研究發現在社區型態的創生中場域大致可被歸為文化類型之場域、原生場域、再生場域以及產業類型的場域,而每個不同的場域大致都以地方文化為基礎去建構認同感,這些都與地方有著關聯性,若找出每個場域所具備不同的特質將他放在相對應的點,那即可以發展出一套像是Kevin Lynch(1960)所提出的「城市意象」,找出社區的點放入像是「城市意象」理論中的通道、邊界、區域、節點、地標,而由於在社區中的節點以及範圍並不像城市,因此區域這個場域型態在社區中並不明顯。


The value of design should not only be put into practiced for few people, but also be fermented in the whole society. In recent years, the awareness of social design has increased, therefore more and more people have begun to invest in this field. The Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan started to promote the " College student stationed-in rural community project " since 2011, by students’ entering to the community directly to find problems and contribute to the local with what they have learned in Local Revitalization. (Wang 1, Kinns Ji , 2016) Executions of Local Revitalization are put in different communities, and there are many different types of spaces and fields with different characteristics. Consequently, there are two questions in this research;First, what are the factors and characteristics that are equipped in different application areas? Second, can the different application areas develop a set of ''City images'' by using their factors and characteristics? This research will use the literature review method to set the factors which will be used while activating the places. By using the following three theories "Local creation", " Genius loci " and "City image" we hope to set up factors in accord with the activation of the Local Revitalization. Then, analyze and find out different characteristics by case analysis method in six cases in total, which were conducted with " Local creation "and" College student stationed-in rural community project" . Finally, analyze through participatory observation method and take Yangmei’s Yongning community as an example. There are many different types of spaces in this community, rich natural ecology, Hakka cultural buildings..., etc. and other diverse fields. Finally, through holding events and questionnaire survey method to investigate the participants' perception of these fields after their actual visit, and to find out the factors and the characteristics of different fields. Based on the results of these research. This study found that in the revitalization of fields in communities can be roughly divided into cultural fields, original fields, regeneration fields, and industrial fields. Almost all of them build sense of identity based on local culture, and these are all related to the place. If you find out the different characteristics of each field and place it at the corresponding point, you may develop a set of "City images" by Kevin Lynch (1960). The theory of "City images" are about find the points of the community and put them into the paths, edge, districts, nodes, landmarks. And due to the nodes and scope in the community are not like cities, hence the field of the districts is not obvious in the community.


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