  • 學位論文


A case study of the interaction between social capital and community construction: Juang Guan Community in Keelung

指導教授 : 蕭乃沂


隨著政府功能增多、預算有限之條件下,政府職能將部分授權公民社會,並透過社區營造政策來體現,其核心在於鼓勵社區居民能主動參與、關心社區公共事務、關心公共利益,透過社區居民間之互動,承諾互助互惠,在共同規範下形成共識,凝聚向心力,累積社會資本,共同打造適居之環境。 隨著時代變遷,居住型態改變,從原豐富人情味之傳統社區變化成居民關係疏離之公寓大廈,然而社區營造其關鍵概念即強調人與人間之互動,如何啟動冷漠的住戶關係即具重要性,然而目前文獻大多以單向證明社區營造與社會資本間之關係,缺少兩者互動關係之驗證,因此本研究以基隆市公寓大廈示範社區代表為例,並以「社區營造整體營運模式(家族長式)」、「社區品牌」、「與政府部門(含里長)關係」、「與其他社區關係」、「成員不求回報之熱忱(或利他)」及「明確目標」之要素,來確認社區營造與社會資本間之互動關係。 本研究發現本個案因參與社區家族制度,有助與其他組織互動及合作,能累積社會資本,其所累積之社會資本存量,原則有助壯觀社區執行社區營造;但值得注意的是,當社區發展協會與社區內基層政府單位(如里長)彼此為緊張競合關係,將不利社區執行社區營造;另外社區發展協會與其他社區間基於互利互惠基礎上,對於不求回報熱忱及明確目標之因素將有助社區營造之執行;而其他因素包括社區品牌形象、參與社區發展協會成員之不求回報熱忱及明確目標等,對社區營造與社會資本帶來正面效果;惟非參與協會之居民尚需其他刺激因素,才能發揮不求回報熱忱及明確目標因素之成效。 經由本研究發現社區營造與社會資本間之互動關係並非單純著依循良善循環模式進行,尚有許多因素需具備一定條件下使具其效益,因此本研究建議:首先,建議社區內居民仍需朝凝聚向心力、形成社區共識之目標邁進修正;第二,建議社區發展協會理事長與里長以合作關係取代競合緊張關係,有助社區共享參贏效果;第三,建議持續與其他社區維持良好互動模式,並保持自我優勢,以利建構長期合作關係;最後,建議政府部門調整社區營造執行方式,有助社區執行社區營造過程順利。


Facing the situation of being multifunctional with limited budget, government empowers the civil society to take a share of the responsibility. The empowerment is presented in the policy of community construction. The policy mainly aims at encouraging residents to participate and pay attention to public affairs and profits. Through resident interactions, residents may support and benefit one another, achieve consensus and increase coherence under common prior assumption, build social capital, and construct suitable living environment. Residential pattern changes as time goes by. Traditional communities in which residents feel strong connections gradually become apartment buildings in which residents feel less connected. However, the concept of community construction emphasizes resident interactions. Hence, it is important to improve the relationship among residents. Nevertheless, most of the literature has viewed only as the explanation of the relationship between community construction and social capital. Literature relates to the interaction between community construction and social capital is not enough. Therefore, taking the apartment buildings in Keelung for example, this study aims at corroborating the interaction between community construction and social capital from the following perspectives: “overall community construction (community club),” “brand of the community” “the relationship with government departments (including the village chief),” “the relationship with other communities,” “residents’ vulnerable enthusiasm,” and “clear objectives.” It is found that the target community in this study basically succeeded in being enlarged and suitable for community construction. The result is due to the attendance to the community club. Through the community club, the community may interact and cooperate with other organizations and build social capital. However, if the association of community construction is in a tense relationship with government departments (including the village chief), it is harmful to community construction. On the other hand, “residents’ vulnerable enthusiasm” and “clear objectives” can be helpful elements for community construction based on the relationship with other communities. Also, “brand of the community,” “residents’ vulnerable enthusiasm,” and “clear objectives” bring positive effects to community and social capital. As for residents who did not attend the community club, they need other elements to stimulate and produce “residents’ vulnerable enthusiasm” and “clear objectives.” It was also found that the interaction between community construction and social capital does not simply follow the virtuous cycle; more elements are required to promote the interaction. Therefore, some suggestions are addressed in this study. First, residents can keep raising the achievement of reaching consensus and increasing coherence. Second, instead of being in a tense relationship, the president of the association of community construction can cooperate with the chief of the village. This way, a win-win situation can be created. Third, being cooperative and developmental may allow communities to establish long-term partnerships. Fourth, the adaption of the way to conduct community construction may smooth the process of community construction.


