  • 學位論文


Conflict Resolution in Vertical Relationships

指導教授 : 危芷芬


本論文主要探討縱向關係當中影響衝突解決策略選擇的相關因素,包括關係、管教方式、情境以及面子考量等因素。根據黃光國(1987)和Ting-Toomey(2001)的研究,下位者與上位者發生衝突時,會因為考量對方的面子,傾向於採用迴避策略。黃美雯(2003)則指出,父母的管教方式與孩子採用的衝突解決策略有關。本研究加入關係親疏的變項,探討它與上述因素如何共同影響衝突解決策略的選擇。 研究者藉由兩個實徵研究來驗證上述假設。研究一探討關係與管教方式對衝突解決策略使用可能性的影響。實驗設計為4*3的完全受試者內變異數分析,獨變項為衝突解決策略(協調、抗爭、迴避、忍讓)、關係(父子、母子、師生),依變項為各種策略的使用可能性。此外,研究者分別針對三種關係,進行4*4的混合設計變異數分析,獨變項為管教方式(民主威信、專權獨斷、寬容溺愛、冷漠忽視)、衝突解決策略,依變項為各種策略的使用可能性。研究結果顯示,親子關係中使用抗爭策略的可能性高於師生關係,民主威信型和寬容溺愛型的管教方式,孩子比較不會使用抗爭策略;專權獨斷和袖手旁觀型的管教方式,孩子最可能採用迴避策略。 研究二探討情境與關係對於衝突解決策略的影響,以及面子的中介效果。研究二為4*2*2之混合設計,受試者內獨變項為策略,受試者間獨變項為情境(公開情境、私下情境)、關係(親子、師生);依變項為各策略的使用可能性;中介變項為自己面子考量以及他人面子考量。研究結果顯示,自己面子考量對於策略與情境的交互作用會有中介的效果,自己面子考量與抗爭呈現負相關,與協調、迴避以及忍讓呈現正相關;他人面子考量僅與協調呈現正相關。在親子關係當中使用協調策略的可能性大於師生關係。 綜合以上兩個研究,研究者發現:在縱向關係中,對於家庭內、外對象採取不同衝突解決策略可能與家人之間的義務有關。父母或師長若採取高回應、低要求的管教方式最容易讓大學生以多協調、少抗爭的方式來解決衝突。除此之外,公開情境使得個人更重視自己面子,因此減少抗爭,採取忍讓策略。本研究的限制在於僅提供單一衝突事件,而且所考慮之關係只有親子與師生。未來研究可以更深入的探討各種衝突解決策略的適合性及有效性,以及對於關係品質的影響。


The study focused on the effect of “guan-xi”(relationships), parenting styles, situation and face concern on conflict resolution in vertical relationships. According to Hwang (1987) and Ting-Toomey (2001), when a subordinate is in conflict with his superior, he prefers avoiding strategy. Hwang (2003) claimed that conflict resolution between children and parents was related to parenting styles. In this study, types of relationship and face concern are also taken into account. There were two empirical studies. Study 1 was aimed to examine the effect of “guan-xi” and parenting styles on conflict resolutions. The experimental design is 4*3 within-subject design, with types of conflict resolution strategies (forcing, smoothing, withdrawing, smoothing) and “guan-xi” (mother-child, father-child, teacher-student) as independent variables, and possibilities of conflict resolution strategies as dependent variable. 4*4 mixed design ANOVA was conducted to explore the effect of parenting style in three kinds of relationships. Independent variables were types of conflict resolution strategies and “parenting styles” (authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting). The dependent variables were possibilities of four conflict resolution strategies. The results showed that child used more forcing strategy when they had conflict with parents than with teachers. Besides, authoritative and permissive parenting induced more withdrawing strategy in children. Study 2 was to explore the effect of “guan-xi” and situation on conflict resolution. The experimental design was a 4*2*2 mixed design. Independent variables were types of conflict resolution strategies (forcing, smoothing, withdrawing, and problem-solving), “guan-xi” (parent- child vs. teacher-student) and situation (public vs. private). The dependent variables were possibilities of conflict resolution strategies. Mediating variables were self-face concern and other-face concern. The result showed that self-face concern mediated the interaction of strategy and situation. Self-face concern was negatively correlated to forcing strategy and positively correlated to smoothing, withdrawing, and problem-solving. Other-face concern was positively correlated to problem-solving strategy. It was more likely for children to use problem-solving strategy when they were in conflict with parents than with teachers. In summary, college students used different conflict resolution strategies as they interact with different target. It could due to family obligation. When parents and teachers are more responsiveness and less demandingness, children use more problem-solving and less forcing. Self-face concern is more important in public situation than private situations, which causes less forcing and more withdrawal. The limitation of the study is lack of diversity in conflict events, and need for differentiation between vertical relationships. Further study could be conducted on effectiveness and appropriateness of conflict resolution strategies, and how conflict resolution affect relationship quality.


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