  • 學位論文

外部企業形象知覺與員工服務表現: 以正向情感、服務氣候及人力資源管理策略為 調節變項

Perceived External Corporate Image and Employee Service Performance:Positive Affect, Service Climate, and Human Resources Management Strategy as the Moderators

指導教授 : 郭建志


本研究主要探討外部企業形象知覺對員工服務表現之影響,並且從員工個人面(正向情感)及組織面(服務氣候、人力資源管理策略)分別探討其調節角色。本研究採用便利性取樣,使用對偶方式收集資料,受試者為服務業之第一線服務人員及服務之顧客,共發出300套問卷,回收258套,有效問卷為196套,有效回收率為76%。經由統計軟體進行分析,研究結果發現:(1)當外部企業形象知覺越好時,員工展現的服務導向公民行為程度越高。(2)當外部企業形象知覺越好時,員工的服務品質越好。(3) 正向情感對外部企業形象知覺和服務導向公民行為及服務品質之關係皆不具有調節作用。(4) 服務氣候可以調節外部企業形象知覺和服務導向公民行為及服務品質之關係,當員工知覺服務氣候越高時,外部企業形象知覺與員工服務表現間的關係越強。(5) 人力資源管理策略可以調節外部企業形象知覺和服務導向公民行為及服務品質之關係,當組織為組織發展型人力資源管理策略比市場型人力資源管理策略時,外部企業形象知覺與員工服務表現間的關係越強。


The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between perceived external corporate image and employee service performance, and the moderator roles of positive affect, service climate, and human resources management strategy. The study conducts a survey. Most of the participants are selected from the service industry. Overall, a total of 300 questionnaires were issued, and 258 questionnaires were recovered. To be more precise, 196 questionnaires were useful. The effective recovery rate is 76 percent, and the results of the study were analyzed by statistical package. The results of study indicate that:(1) perceived external corporate image and service-oriented citizenship behavior have a significant positive correlation, and (2) perceived external corporate image and service quality have a significant positive correlation, and (3) positive affect do not moderate the relationship between perceived external corporate image and employee service performance, and (4) service climate moderate the relationship between perceived external corporate image and employee service performance, and (5) human resources management strategy moderate the relationship between perceived external corporate image and employee service performance.


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