  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of Coping Style over the Dispositional Optimism on Mental Health

指導教授 : 李怡真


潛質樂觀對於個體的心理健康有所助益,但其與心理健康的關係仍是目前研究未能夠全然回應其可能的作用機制,即便從壓力因應模式或是過去文獻較一致性的指出因應型態應當是潛質樂觀與心理健康的中介變項,但本研究基於行為調節模式與適應性的自我調節模式認為因應型態極有可能在兩者間扮演調節作用。因此,本研究主要的目的在於探討因應型態如何影響潛質樂觀程度與心理健康的關係:以趨近因應及逃避因應的分類檢視其調節作用機制。研究採用問卷調查法,受試者為209位中原大學大學生,依序填寫生活傾向測驗修定版 (LOT-R)、簡明因應量表、心理健康指標 (生活滿意度、焦慮及憂鬱),利用LOT-R分數分為高樂觀與低樂觀組,並分析樂觀程度與因應型態及心理健康之間的關係、多變量變異數分析,並以多元迴歸分析因應型態於潛質樂觀與心理健康間的調節效果。研究結果顯示樂觀程度與逃避因應有顯著的負相關,另與生活滿意度有顯著正相關,與焦慮及憂鬱有顯著的負相關。此外在調節效果的檢驗中發現趨近因應能夠調節潛質樂觀與生活滿意度,並且高樂觀與高趨近因應組有最好的生活滿意度,逃避因應則是能夠調節潛質樂觀與焦慮及憂鬱,也發現高樂觀與低逃避因應組有最低的焦慮與憂鬱程度。該研究結果支持因應型態於潛質樂觀與心理健康間扮演重要角色,以作為未來介入與未來研究之建議。


Dispositional optimism is benefical to individual’s mental health. However, further clarification of the underlying processes between dispositional optimism and mental health is still needed. Past research consistently suggested that coping styles can be considered as mediators between dispositional optimism and mental health. Nonetheless, the expectancy-value models of motivation assumed that coping styles can also be regarded as moderators between them. To test the possibility, the present study investigates whether the coping styles—approach coping and avoidance coping—moderate the relationship. 209 undergraduate students from Chung Yuan Christian University completed the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), Brief Coping Orientation Problems Experienced (Brief COPE), Satisfaction with Life Scale, as well as anxiety and depression subscales from SCL-90R. The results of multiple regression showed that approach coping moderates the relationship between dispositional optimism and satisfaction with life. People with high optimism have the highest satisfaction with life when accompany with high approach coping level. In addition, it was also found that avoidance coping moderates the relationship between dispositional optimism and anxiety/depression. People with high optimism have the lowest anxiety/depression when accompany with low avoidance coping level. The present research demonstrated that coping styles play a crucial role in the relationship between disposition optimism and mental health.


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