  • 學位論文


The Factors Affecting the Adoption of Global Logistics in Taiwan Monitor Industry

指導教授 : 蔡渭水


根據資策會市場情報中心針對全球監視器產業發展趨勢所公布的資料,一九九零年以前為技術領導,一九九零至一九九三年為成本領導,一九九三~一九九七因製造商生產基地大量外移至東南亞及中國大陸,此時演變為生產管理領導,而一九九八年起,為因應OEM( Original Equipment Manufacturing)及ODM( Original Design Manufacturing)客戶的BTO( Build To Order )策略,監視器產業全面進入全球運籌管理領導的時代。 一九九八年我國資訊產業產值約為192億美元,僅次於美、日,為全球第三大資訊生產國。其中,監視器產業一直以來都是我國資訊產業最大的一宗,雖然一九九八年的產值略為落後於筆記型電腦,但我國監視器的全球市場佔有率高達58%,遠遠超過筆記型電腦的40%全球市場佔有率。 由於低價電腦流行及亞洲金融風暴的影響,我國資訊產業產值僅成長11.9%,而監視器產業更是負5.2%的赤字成長,相較於一九九七年以前的20%平均成長率,我們可警覺到若光靠傳統的生產及製造優勢已不足以支持高成長率及維持利潤。全球化、國際化及全球運籌管理的建構才能保持此產業的繼續發展。 在此新型態的發展趨勢下,整個公司的所有海內外部門必須整合起來,才能保持優勢,因此從市場需求、研究發展、設計、原料取得、製造、組裝、及時配送和售後服務等均需要整體規劃、協調才能滿足OEM/ODM市場的快速變化和即時供貨的要求。


OEM 全球運籌 BTO ODM 監視器產業


The output of Taiwan’s Computer Industry reached US$19.2 billions in 1998, and ranked third in world market. And until 1998 Monitor kept first place in this industry, occupies 58% of the global market share, while Notebook PC, the No. 1 in 1998, takes only 40% of the global market. However, the traditional advantages in manufacturing competence of Taiwan’s Computer industry are not guarantee for future growth, while facing with low cost PC and Asian financial crisis, the growth rate suppressed from 20% in 1997 to 11.9% in 1998, and Monitor Industry yielded an 5.2% negative growth. Thus new concepts are needed to push the industry forward, and Globalization, especially Global Logistics becomes hot topic in the managerial practice. The competitive competence of global Monitor industry in different stages reported by MIC ITIS, accordingly are technique before 1990, cost down during 1990-1993, operation management during 1993-1997 caused by manufacturing shift from Taiwan to China and Southern Asia. Since 1998 BTO(Built To Order) became main steam, hence OEM and ODM operation in Monitor industry had to adjust itself into Global Logistics frame. To yield competitive advantage in this new trend, every oversea operation unit should integrated in a company, demand, R&D, design, procurement, manufacturing, assembling, prompt delivery and after service are integrated into a system, to satisfy the quick changes in OEM/ODM orders and delivered just in time.


monitor industry global logistics OEM BTO ODM


3. 天下編輯,變形蟲組織,天下雜誌,民國82年12月。
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