  • 學位論文


Relationship among International Entry Mode, Strategic Fit of Brand Strategy and Channel Strategy with Performance- Comparison of Taiwanese IT Industry Entry Europe, U.S. and China Market

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


近十年來,北美自由貿易區的結合、歐盟的形成、大陸世界工廠的崛起,全球企業無不積極叩關這三大經濟體。而依據資策會MIC調查,至2004年底台灣主要資訊硬體產品在全球佔有率已有多項第一,例如筆記型電腦為72.4%、主機板是78.3%。因此對台灣且對全世界重要性與日俱增的台灣資訊科技產業在這分食大餅的過程中,廠商如何突破重圍,與日系和美系大廠競爭,進一步往世界級品牌發展,這會是台灣企業未來重要課題。 「品牌」與「通路」一直是台灣廠商進行全球化最重要且最頭痛的問題。根據胡若堯(1994)在自創品牌關鍵成功因素之研究中指出,「自主行銷通路的建立」是自創品牌廠商最重視的變數之一。尤其在國際化的過程中,通路因素確是攸關成功與否的主因,產品行銷不是單方面被動姿態,對通路的積極建立、通路控制權的掌握會受到企業高度重視。 而企業的另一個頭痛難題「品牌」。曾擔任雀巢(Nestle)、奇異(GE)公司品牌顧問,目前是Interbrand全球品牌鑑價總監的Lindemann認為,或許是因為來自中國大陸低成本製造的競爭,以及OEM/ODM(製造代工/設計代工)業務毛利日趨下滑的壓力,使得愈來愈多台灣企業重視自有品牌經營,也開始強化品牌的國際化程度。 有鑑於此,本研究希望以不同國際市場為系絡變數,分析台灣IT廠商在進入不同市場下的品牌與通路策略的考量以及對經營績效的影響,冀期盼能提供IT廠商在進入國際市場時的一個參考架構。 本研究採行個案研究法,經由深度訪談與次級資料的分析和整理後,本研究發現: 1.歐洲市場下,可採取瀑布型進入策略-統一品牌整合式/統一品牌獨立式策略配適 2.美國市場下,可採取瀑布型進入策略-統一品牌整合式策略配適 3.中國大陸市場下,可採取淋浴型進入策略-雙品牌獨立式策略配適


From ten years, global businesses aggressively enter Europe, U.S. and China market due to the blossom of the three economic units. According to MIC survey, many Taiwanese IT products occupy the highest market share in the world, such as notebook 72.4% and motherboard 78.3%. Therefore, it’s a big issue that Taiwanese IT factories how to compete with Japanese and the States businesses in the future and upgrade international brands further. Brand and Channel are always the very important and thorny problems in the global process. According to former researches, both the strategies affect businesses’ performance critically. Hu, Jo-Yao(1994) stated that building the independent channels is valuable for businesses. Lindemann, director of Interbrand, indicates more and more Taiwanese IT factories value OBM business due to the decrement of OEM/ODM gross profit. In views of this, this research adopts international market as the context variable to analyze the relationship among entry mode, brand strategy and channel strategy with performance. And expect to provide IT factories an applied framework. The followings are the research’s conclusion and discovery: 1. In Europe market, Taiwanese IT factories may adopt waterfall entry mode and single-brand integrated channel/single-brand independent channel strategic fit. 2. In U.S. market, Taiwanese IT factories may adopt waterfall entry mode and single-brand integrated channel strategic fit. 3. In China market, Taiwanese IT factories may adopt sprinkler entry mode and dual-brands independent channel strategic fit.


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