  • 學位論文

我國上市櫃公司自願設置審計委員 因素之研究

Economic Determinants for Voluntary Audit Committee Appointments

指導教授 : 胡為善


本研究主要目的係探討我國上市櫃公司管理當局自願性設置審計委員會之動機。我國公司法是採董事會、監察人雙軌制,引進審計委員會制度,外界難免對於監察人與審計委員會兩者的功能是否重疊產生質疑。國外審計委員會制度已實行多年,有鑑於國外企業組織、資本結構等大環境與國內的差異,本研究以國內有獨立董事之上市櫃公司,篩選後計450 家上市櫃公司為樣本,根據年報中得出審計委員會之相關資訊。 本研究使用多變量Logit 迴歸進行資料分析。預期影響管理當局設置審計委員會的因素:資本結構、成長性、獨立董事比例、管理者所有權、公司規模、董事長兼任總經理、籌措資本與新上市櫃公司等。研究結果顯示當公司規模較大與未來成長性較高的公司,管理當局較有動機自願設置審計委員會。


This study attempts to examine the incentives of the managers in the publicly listed companies which implemented the Audit Committee appointment system voluntarily in Taiwan. The Business Law in Taiwan adopts double-track system including the board of directors and supervisors. Some professors and specialists expressed their concern over the overlapping functions of having the Audit Committee and the supervisory system concurrently. Although the Audit Committee appointment system has been implemented in other countries for many years, yet it has just been initiated in Taiwan recently. Since the external environment such as capital market and business operations are different between Taiwan and well-developed countries, the effectiveness and results of the Audit Committee in Taiwan is expected to be different from those of other countries. This work employs the relevant data on the Audit Committee from each company’s annual report for 450 publicly listed companies. This study uses Logit regression model to examine the determinants for voluntary Audit Committee of publicly listed companies which having independent directors. The factors affecting a company to appoint an Audit Committee include debt ratio, growth opportunities, the ratio of independent directors to total directors, management ownership, firm size, the Chairman of the board pluralizing CEO, capital raising, and the initial public offerings. The empirical results indicate that the larger the size and the more potential growth of a company is, the more possible the company having a voluntary Audit Committee is.


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范睿庭(2008)。董監事機制、審計委員會功能與經營績效 關聯性研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800428
