  • 學位論文


The Analysis of a Distributed Conceptual Design Information System for EMS

指導教授 : 蕭俊彥


企業基於各種因素考量和希望能專注於企業的核心價值,所以將產品或產品 設計外包給OEM/ODM 廠商製造。但隨著全球化時代的來臨,OEM/ODM 的產 能可能無法負荷顧客的需求,因此將產能外包,同時也期望在產品(零組件)製 造過程上,外包廠商能提供更多的服務,所以造成近幾年來台灣的電子專業製造 服務(EMS)產業不斷的成長。另外,顧客導向的觀念受到越來越多企業的重視, 產品的設計就顯得相當重要,而且百分之七十五的產品成本是決定於產品的概念 設計階段,所以如何決定出較好的產品概念是一個有待解決的議題。此外,概念 設計通常不是一個人就可以決定的,而是由許多不同專業的設計者共同進行,參 與的成員可能包括了EMS 廠的研發人員、相關部門人員或是相關設計人員,他 們往往都是分散於各地的。因此,在這種分散的工作環境中,利用組態管理資料 庫的觀念提供聯邦式資料庫的模式進行在資料查詢時所遇到的問題。而透過聯邦 式資料庫系統的協商觀點,利用談判的精神幫助本研究解決查詢資料時所會產生 的問題。最後由於代理人的本質裡溝通的特性符合這些策略上的問題,因此藉由 代理人作為基礎進行資訊系統的分析。透過分析架構出多代理人的資訊系統,期 望能夠幫助EMS 進行概念設計。


To maintain the competitiveness on enterprise core values, enterprises are outsourcing their product and product design to OEM/ODM. With the coming age of globalization, it is a difficulty for OEM/ODM to have sufficient capacities. As a result, the EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Service) industry, which provides more and more manufacturing services in the production processes for OEM/ODM, is continuously growth in Taiwan. Besides, product design has become more and more important while more and more enterprises have focused on customer oriented production. Seventy five percent of the production costs are normally determined during conceptual design. Conceptual design is not done by individuals. It requires numbers of collaborating professionals such as R&D persons in EMS, engineers from different departments, designers and so on. In this situation, configuration database management supports federated data model when querying from distributed databases. The aspect from federated database management system is negotiation, which provides us to solve the kind of problems. And one characteristic of agent is to communication, which can be used to realize this strategy. Therefore, agent-based analysis to information technology is useful. By using this advantage, the analysis can help information to develop and create if the future for helping EMS in distributed conceptual design.


EMS Agent Conceptual Design


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