  • 學位論文


Determinants and Market Reaction of Asset Impairments

指導教授 : 林維珩


在過去的準則要求是以「歷史成本」作為主要入帳及評價的基礎,使現今企業帳面上出現的資產金額可能有不合時宜或不符經濟實質的現象,而三十五號公報的制定即可有效幫助閱表者及潛在投資者,估計未來、幫助預測及評估企業價值,因此本研究針對三十五號公報討論資產價值減損之決定因素與市場反應。 本研究首先以Probit模式分析公司提列資產價值減損的決定因素,討論分為認列減損及提前認列減損的決定因素,其次,以事件研究方法討論在財會三十五號公報的制定過程中,有跡象公司的市場反應,最後,以關聯性研究方法建立複迴歸分析,討論股票累常報酬與資產價值減損金額間之關係。 研究結果發現,一、公司是否提列資產減損顯然受到較多因素之影響,且非電子產業及非前四大會計師事務所查核之公司提列的可能性較大,而公司是否提前於04年認列減損較集中於績效表現好壞因素,且對於資金的需求程度顯然非提前認列減損與否之考量。二、有跡象公司在公報制定過程中之報酬表現顯然低於無跡象公司,且對於三十五公報公布時,有跡象公司呈現顯著低於無跡象公司之異常報酬。三、當公司於財報中實際認列減損金額與市場預期金額相近時,在財報宣告日市場無負面反應,其次,當公司於財報中認列超乎市場預期之減損損失時,公司在財報宣告日時會產生負面市場反應,最後,當公司資產減損認列不足時,市場將呈現負向報酬反應。


Accounting upholds historical cost principle and claims that the book value of assets is not suitable for valuation. The issuance of new accounting standard No.35 adds some fair value concepts to long-term assets and can help users of financial reports on assessing enterprise's value. The weath effects of the accounting standard No.35 on shareholders are examined. Firstly, we use probit model to identify determinants of asset impairment recognition. For subsample of recognizing firms, determinants of early adoption is examined. Secondly, we apply event study to analyze market reaction of firms with impairment indication during standard setting process. Finally, based on the difference between recorded and estimated impairment loss, we test how the market incorporates the impairment loss into prices.. The empirical evidence shows: (1). In additon to previous documented determinants, firms not in non-electronic industry and non audited by Big Four are more likely to recode impariment loss, while performance factor contributes to early adoption. (2.) Security returns of firms with indication were significant lower than firms without indication during standard setting process. And security returns of firms with indication were significant lower than firms without indication at accounting standards No. 35 issued date,. (3.) While firms recorded amount of asset impairments meet market expectation, there is no market reaction at declared date of financial report. While firms recorded asset impairments amount in excess of market expectation, there is negative response at declared date of financial report. Finally, while firms recorded asset impairments lower than the amount predicted by market, negative market reaction on declared date of financial report is observed.


林維珩、陳昭蓉,2005,股票市場對強制性財務預測誤差預期之研究,管理學報,22卷,5期, 585-606
財團法人中華民國會計研究發展基金會,2004年,財務會計準則公報第35號公報: 《資產減損之會計處理準則》,台北:財務會計準則委員會


