  • 學位論文


Consider the Quality Cost and Time-Value of Money in the Economic Product Quantity Model

指導教授 : 邱裕方


目前已經有許多關於經濟生產批量的研究,大多數存貨模式的生產率並未考慮到不良品的存在,只有少數的研究將品質納入模式中考量。這些研究卻是將品質以非常傳統的觀點來看待,也就是產品的品質特性是否超過規格界線,來作為判定的標準。但是這樣的結果不外乎只有拒收和允收兩種情形,也甚至只是把不良品報廢或重新加工,這樣的作法並不符合近代對於品質強烈要求的趨勢。所以本研究將品質的損失以田口對品質的觀點納入考量。 在傳統經濟訂購量和經濟生產量的存貨模式中,大多不考慮金錢的時間價值對存貨成本的影響。如此一來,在對產品的存貨成本做預測時,就會產生一些誤差,造成預測結果的不正確。所以本研究在建構存貨模式時,參考相關的文獻,將金錢的時間價值的影響加入考慮,便可使建立的存貨模式更接近現實狀況;另外本研究中也採用Hong and Hayya(1993)所提出之製程變異投資函數,一併納入模式中考量。因此本研究以各學者提出的概念作結合一併同時考慮品質成本、金錢時間價值與製程變異的概念建構出總成本模式,並找出最佳的生產週期與期初投資額。


There are many researches of Economic Product Quantity researches, most of them did not consider defective product in process. The acceptance or rejection of product depends on the quality characteristic. In this way, there are only two results which are either acceptance or rejection. This concept doesn’t qualify the requirement of quality. Therefore, this study takes Taguchi Loss Function into account. Many Economic Product Quantity and Economic Order Quantity models are not considering time-value of money. In this way, there are some errors when you predict cost. Therefore, the time-value of money will be considered in this research. Furthermore, this study also considers Exponential Process Quality Improvement Function. Consequently, my research takes Quality Cost, time-value of money and Exponential Process Quality Improvement Function into account to construct the total cost model, in order to search the optimal production period and initial investment.


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