  • 學位論文


A Study of Ticket Pricing Strategies in Professional Baseball

指導教授 : 王如鈺


職業運動比賽廣為國人喜愛,在我國棒球可稱為「國球」,職棒更是我國最具有規模且成立最早的職業運動。職業運動要蓬勃發展,必須要有球迷進場觀賞球賽,因此如何利用定價策略,來增加單場比賽入場的觀眾數,是值得研究的課題。 綜觀國內職業棒球比賽各場館票價訂定情況,沒有對不同服務品質的座位,做有效的差別訂價,因此本研究將探討美國、日本與我國職業棒球票價訂定模式,希望得以藉由提供各種不同的服務,吸引各式不同需求的觀眾,增加其入場意願。 本研究主要在探討職業棒球門票訂定策略,目的有以下三點:(一)探討影響職業棒球票價訂定之因素;(二)了解美國與日本職業棒球票價資料與其定價之依據,以便對國內票價訂定提出建議;(三)依據美國職業棒球大聯盟(MLB)票價資料,找出其差別訂價之價格模型;再以場館座位視野等級,給予國內場館差別訂價之定價建議。 依據美國職棒大聯盟2007年票價資料的模型得出結果,國內棒球場價格增減幅度為 +46.3% 至 -37.0%。


Professional baseball is Taiwan’s earliest and most organized professional sport. It can be named as the “national sport”. If we want to develop the professional sports well, the fans should go into the stadium. Hence it is very important how to set up the policy about ticket of price to increase the audience in games. We search the information about the price of the ticket in Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL). There is not effective and reasonable the price discrimination for different quality seats. Hence we will discuss the difference from U.S., Japan and Taiwan about the policy of the baseball ticket in the research. I hope to support many kinds of solutions to attract the audience who have different or special requests and increase the willing of going into the stadium. The study focuses on the strategy of the ticket price, which aims the following three points : (1) It examined the factor which is considered in ticket price decision; (2) It understand the pricing strategy of Major League Baseball(MLB) and Nippon Professional Baseball(NBP), and proposed to CPBL ; (3) The purposes of this study was to examine the goal of the ticket price. According of the ticket price of MLB, It wants to find the module about the ticket price. In addition, it will distinguish from the level of the view in the stadium and have a suggestion how to set up the ticket price. Based on data of Major League Baseball in 2007, we calculated in model. That is the result price of stadium in Taiwan plus or minus +46.3% to -37.0%.


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吳怡軒(2008)。中華職棒場地安排策略 對觀眾數及收視率影響之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200800382
