  • 學位論文


The Development of Hand Gesture Control Avatar System by Using Data Glove

指導教授 : 周永燦


在電腦科技蓬勃發展的今日,虛擬實境的應用,也隨著個人電腦配備的進步愈來愈被廣泛使用。傳統瀏覽虛擬實境的方式,大都是使用鍵盤和滑鼠來達到此目的,或是經由搖桿和6D滑鼠等其他輸入設備,但Ye et al. (2004)提到要操控虛擬環境中的物件時,以身體姿勢去進行控制較一般傳統的互動裝置如鍵盤、滑鼠和搖桿等,更為適合。因此本研究利用資料手套及追蹤器做為輸入裝置,提出了一套即時的手勢控制系統。操作者可藉由手勢去控制場景中的虛擬人物,並藉此達到瀏覽虛擬環境的目的。在實際操控上,本研究設計使用左手及右手,分別去控制虛擬人物的「移動」及「行為」,讓操作者能清楚區分虛擬人物兩種不同類型之控制。 本研究採用Autodesk Inventor繪製虛擬人物及場景,再搭配3ds Max輔助繪製及貼圖,接著在利用3ds Max支援虛擬實境軟體EON Studio的特性,直接將整個繪製好的虛擬環境轉成EON Studio的檔案格式,供後期做互動編輯使用;在本研究中,利用EON Studio做為「資料手套及追蹤器之訊號擷取」及「虛擬實境互動設定」的工具,接著再使用 Visual Basic製作系統操作介面及撰寫手勢辨識相關程式,最後再將「資料手套及追蹤器」、「虛擬互動場景」及「操作介面」做結合,建構出即時的手勢控制系統。


When our technology of the computer is developed vigorously now, the peripheral of the computer is better. Then the virtual reality is being used extensively. Have a look around the ways of the virtual reality, mostly use the keyboard and mouse to achieve this purpose in tradition, or via other input equipment, such as the rocker and 6D mouse, etc. But Ye et al. (2004) mention that there is more suitable when we use traditional interactive device with body posture, such as keyboard, mouse and rocker, etc, to control objects in virtual reality. This study utilizes the data glove and tracker to be used as input device, and have proposed a set of prompt gesture control systems. The user can control avatar in the scene with the gesture, and achieve the goal of having a look around virtual reality by this. In controlling actually, this study is designed to control avatar’s “movement” and “behavior” with left and right hand, and enable the user to distinguish two kinds of different kinds of control of avatar clearly. This study adopts Autodesk Inventor to be drawn to avatar and scene, and then match 3ds Max and draw auxiliary and pinup picture, then utilizing the characteristic that 3ds Max support the virtual reality software EON Studio, the file form of draw good virtual reality transform into the file form of EON Studio directly, for using as interactive editor on later stage. In this study, we utilize EON Studio to be as “retrieved signal of data glove and tracker” and the tool of “the setting of interactive with virtual reality “, then we use Visual Basic to make the system operation interface and write the gesture to distinguish the relevant procedure. At last, we combine “data glove and tracker” “virtual interaction scene” and “User Operate Interface” to construct the prompt gesture control system.


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