  • 學位論文


Job Perception and Job Accident: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Strain

指導教授 : 郭建志




Because the job type of industry at present, workers need to spend a large amount of time in the work. To promote the workers’ physically and mentally health, it is the issue that practice and research fields should focus on. The Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) is a leading research domain in the Industrial and Organizational psychology. Additionally the global trend is focused on the service industry, hence improving the employees’ job quality and setting up a healthy working environment in the service industry is becoming very important. We try to proceed from job perception in the research. Attempt to understand the relationship between employees’ perception of work load and group interaction, and its effect on employee’s psychological strain and job accidents. Besides, to investigate the job perception would affect accidents through the mediate mechanism of psychological strain. In this research, the study adopted the test by researcher. The participants are from a representative service firm in the transport service industry in Taiwan. Questionnaire was used to collect data form 401 employees. The research findings are: (1) When employees perceived more work load or bad group interaction, it would lead to psychological strain and accidents. (2) Short term psychological strain (Need for recovery after work) wouldn’t lead to accidents, but long term psychological strain (Fatigue) would lead to accidents. That is, when employees perceived more fatigue, it would lead to accidents. (3) Long term psychological strain (Fatigue) would mediate the relationship between work load and accidents or group interaction and accidents. Finally, according to the results, it will have discussions, research limitation and further research direction, and future research directions will be noted.


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