  • 學位論文

台灣三份教會報紙社論之比較研究: 以2004年的政治議題為例

A Comparison of the Political Issues in Taiwan's Christian Newspaper Editorials in 2004

指導教授 : 查時傑


摘 要 台灣三份教會報紙社論之比較研究: 以2004年的政治議題為例 本論文乃企求整理台灣當代具代表性的基督教報紙歷史,並說明台灣教會國語教派和台語教派因為政治、歷史背景不同於多年前之歷史傷痛所結下的心結;盼望經由歷史的陳述,尋找台灣基督教報紙與支持教派的歷史關係,期能釐清國、台語教派不必要的誤解,為促進未來的台灣基督教派合一提出歷史觀點。 而2004年乃台灣政治版圖變動很大的一年,本論文以台灣當代三份基督教報紙2004年社論及主題統計數據和基督教三報社論主題的類別呈現,作為台灣基督教會三報的政教關係之分析比較資料,得出台灣基督教三報社論政治議題差異族群逐漸融合的歷史意義。並兼論中文基督教報紙之出刊沿革,包含中國地區基督教報紙出刊沿革、台灣地區基督教報紙出刊沿革。 重點是台灣基督教會三報的政治神學立場的分析比較,台灣基督教三報的屬性分析與定位,也包含《基督教論壇報》、《台灣教會公報》、《國度復興報》歷史;三報2004年社論的政治神學特色;從基督教三報探討台灣基督徒族群的離散文化及基督教三報主要議題之比較。附錄還有筆者建議:1.有關台灣基督教三報面臨的管理問題;2.台灣基督教三報面臨的整合問題。


Abstract A Comparison of the Political Issues in Taiwan's Christian Newspaper Editorials in 2004 The purpose of this paper is to introduce historical background of the contemporary major Christian newspapers in Taiwan and to seek eliminate of disagreement-that derives from the differences of contemporary political or views from those years -between the Mandarin and the Taiwanese Denomination in Taiwan. It is hoped that, through historical comparisons and descriptions of Christian newspapers in Taiwan, this paper could broaden readers' horizon and decrease the unnecessary misunderstanding between the Mandarin and the Taiwanese Denomination so as to reach the future goal of union among all Christian denominations in Taiwan. Nevertheless, the year 2004 is a significant year when the political domain in Taiwan undergoes a great change. This paper bases the analytical information` concerning the politics-religion relationship of the three major Christian newspapers editorials in 2004 the statistics and types of topics. In addition, this study finds analyzes and compares the historical meaning among different. Therefore, political issues in the three major Christian newspapers. This paper also discusses the history of Christian newspapers in Mainland China and their subsequent development in Taiwan. The main component of paper, is to analyze the political theology, to explore the true nature as well as the status, and to describe the historical backgrounds of the three major Christian newspapers in Taiwan, namely: the Christian Tribune, Taiwan Church News and Kingdom Revival Times. In addition to talking about the features of political theology in these newspapers, this paper also examines the phenomenon of Diasporas existed among the majority of Christians in Taiwan and the comparison of issues that are reported in these papers. With an appendix, this paper puts forth two points for possible further discussion: 1. the management problem faced by the three major Christian newspapers in Taiwan; 2. the integration problem faced by the three major Christian newspapers in Taiwan.


張妙娟,《台灣府城教會報標題目錄1885-1895》,(台南:台灣神學論刊第 No.25 卷 p.245-277 頁,2003年)。
寇爾森(Charles Colson)著,陳詠編譯,《當代基督教與政治》(Kingdoms in Conflict,1987),(台北:校園書房出版社,1992)。


